Chapter 5: 4 Champions

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It was the Thursday evening of when everyone figures out who were the Triwizard Champions are for this year. Everyone was ready. Dumbledore dimmed the candles and the Goblet of Fire started to go and shot out a piece of parchment.
"Champion for Drumstang is...Viktor Krum!" He said loud enough for the whole Great Hall to hear.
The next parchment flew out and Dumbledore caught it.
"Champion for Beauxbatons is...Fluer Delacour!"
Harry, Ron and Hermione were all ready to see who gonna represent Hogwarts. Fred and George were also piped up.
"Hope it's Angelina," Fred whispered to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Imagine that, a Gryffindor as the Triwizard Champion." George whispered to them.
"Well we are gonna miss it if you all 4 don't look and wait." Hermione said to Harry, Ron, Fred and George.
"Champion for Hogwarts is...Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore said at last.
"Oh come on!" Ron whispered loudly.
"It's him!" Fred said a little loud but not enough for anyone but the Gryffindor's to hear.
"Boys, its fine. At least I entered." Angelia said not to disappointed she didn't get in.
"Hang on!" Harry said to Ron and Hermione. "Why is the Goblet of Fire going crazy?"
A piece of parchment flew out of the Goblet of Fire. Dumbledore looked confused but he read the name out loud.
"Harry Potter!" He yelled. "Harry Potter, over hear!"
Hermione was pushing at him towards Dumbledore's direction. "Go go!" She whispered to him.
Harry walked right up to Dumbledore. He read the parchment. "Harry Potter" it said on it. Hermione watched Harry go to the back room to join the other Champions.
Cedric was near the fire place with Fluer sitting down on a chair near the fire and Viktor leaning against the wall. All three saw Harry come in with Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Maxime and the Minister following behind Harry.
"Madam Maxime, what this little boy ere for?" Fluer said in her lovely French accent. "He itzn't a champion iz he?"
"Krum, Delacour and Diggory, he was chosen by the Goblet. His name came out." Dumbledore said to the champions.
"Harry did you put your name in the Goblet?" Dumbledore asked Harry in a way that he wanted the truth from.
"No sir!" Harry said.
"Did you make someone older do it?"
"No!" Harry said part panicked.
Cedric was there quiet watching the whole thing. He had no where else to go so he had to watch. Viktor was quiet also. Fluer on the other hand spoke up.
"I don't approve of thiz. He'z just a little boy. Thiz iz one-thouzand gallezons for ze winner and having a little boy joinz? What iz he like twelvz? Uz "real" champions are eightezn and your letting himz join?" Fluer said in the way when a girl doesn't like what's going on.
"I'm seventeen." Cedric said
"Eightezn, seventezn whatever. I'm saying your letting someone under te agzing limit to join?"
"It's the law that whoever's name the Goblet choose has to do the tournament and once they are a champion there's no turning back." The Minister said to end it all. "Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter are to his day Triwizard Champions."
Hermione cam bursting in with Ron running behind him.
"Is he in? Is he?" Hermione said painting a bit. "Tell me he isn't."
"This is the first year the Triwizard Tournament has ever had 4 champions. Harry is one of the 4." Dumbledore said to Hermione.
"Harry?" Ron said "But?"
"The Minister has made it official and that's final." Dumbledore said.
"It's going to be alright Ron." Hermione whispered to Ron.
As everyone was talking, Cedric couldn't get his eyes off Hermione. Hermione tried to not stare at him. Trying to distract her with the Harry thing. She didn't want to repeat the library scene again. After everyone got the final point Harry was a Champion with Viktor, Fleur and Cedric, it's already late outside.
"Us two must be leaving at this time. Getting more darker out there." Karkaroff said. Viktor and Karkaroff left after that towards their ship.
"Wez must bez goingz alzo." Madam Maxime said.
"Wishz you luck Arry Potzer. Your gonnza needz itz." Fluer said to Harry. Madam Maxine and Fluer left the room into the dark of the night.
"Harry, Cedric, Ron and Hermione, you guys better get going to your common rooms. The Hufflepuff's are waiting for you Cedric. The Gryffindor's are waiting for you Harry. I hope to see you both Harry and Cedric a day before the first task. Until then enjoy yourself." Dumbledore said to them all 4.
Harry, Ron, Hermione and Cedric went to the Great Hall and the Goblet of Fire was still flaming. Cedric and Hermione went to the side while Harry and Ron went to the other side. Harry and Ron talked about the Goblet submission while Hermione and Cedric were together.
"So Cedric, what do you think about getting and all that stuff?" Hermione asked.
"Well this 4 champions thing is throwing me off." Cedric said to Hermione just trying to think of an answer.
"Same here. It's crazy to think that you both are champions."
"How do you think Harry got his name in?"
"Wish I could answer that. He wouldn't do such a thing to get this anyway so I don't know. At least I think he wouldn't do anything to get in when he knows he's to young to enter."
"Ron seemed like he was overwhelmed."
"He was excited about Krum and all. Also being in a room with a Beauxbatons girl."
"Those girls are...something. The students there are very proper."
"Yeah they are. That Fluer girl is something proper yet very sassy about this Harry thing."
"I know, haven't seen a girl do that in a while actually."
Cedric lifted his hand up and slowly moved Hermione's fly away hair and put it behind her ear. He looked at Hermione's brown eyes while she looked at his grey eyes. It was a connection moment until one must ruin it.
"Mione," Ron said.
"Yes Ron?" Hermione said as both her and Cedric walked over to Harry and Ron.
"Excuse me and Mione," Ron said.
Ron and Hermione stepped aside while Cedric and Harry stayed where they were.
"Mione, did you have to do with any of this 'Harry Champion' bloody stuff?" He asked.
"What! Why would you think I would have anything to do with any of this? I was the one who told Fred and George they wouldn't do it well, why do you?"
"Just wondering I mean you have the skill."
"And just because I pay attention in class means I would use that advantage?"
"Mione, I was asking a question. You didn't have to make a big deal about it."
"Thanks Ron for making my day."
While Ron and Hermione were arguing, Cedric and Harry were watching the flame still burn.
"So, Harry, guess we are against each other, again." Cedric said.
"I guess so." Harry said as the flame started to die down.
"A repeat of last year and all. I remember that day so well because my father would let stop taking about it."
"I can see why."
"So let me ask you this, how did you get your name in?"
"I don't know how my name got into the goblet but I know it wasn't me. I would never want this at this time of my life."
"Ok, I see." Cedric said with the thought Harry wasn't telling the full truth.
" Harry, let's go already!" Ron said.
"See you later Potter." Cedric said.
"Same for you to Diggory."
Harry, Ron and Hermione left towards the stairs to go up to the Gryffindor tower while Cedric headed down to the Hufflepuff basement.

Summary~4 champions could change one's relationship. Does Harry as a champion change how Ron and Hermione end up being? And what about Cedric's plan from the night before? What will happen to the Cedric and Hermione?

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