Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3

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Hello! Robert and Emma were together at the Golden Globes! Ok here you go:-)

   That night Cedric waited till midnight to get her up. She went to bed at 21:00 and they've been out at midnight before. Well, she would have knew about it already. This one was a surprise one. Ok all of the dates did end out in a surprise so what's new about this one? What's new is that Cedric was partly freaking out. Would she want to go out? Would she want to say yes? He didn't know what to do.

  Right before midnight, he got his plans ready. Hopefully she would like the idea. He walked out quietly. Slowly he opened the door to the room she was in. He opened the door to see Hermione sitting on the bed with a small lamp on reading.

   "Why did I not expect this?" Cedric asked. "Ok I should have expected this." He corrected himself.

   "What do you want?" Hermione asked.

   "Come with me?" Cedric said as he held his hand out to her. "Don't you want another awesome night with just you and me?"

   Hermione smiled and stood up to walk to him. "So where are we going now?"

   "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise but it's not that far."

   Cedric took Hermione outside in the backyard. Hermione looked up the see a big tree that held a treehouse with some light from inside of it.

   "Is this safe?" Hermione asked.

   "Of course it is. This thing has been up since I was 7. If 4 people can be up there, us two can." Cedric said. "After you." He gesture Hermione to go up the ladder.

   Hermione looked at him for a second and then started going up the ladder. She went in the treehouse to see fake lit up candles on the windows, couple blankets and pillows.

"Are we sleeping in here?" Hermione asked as she got into the house and sat down.

"That wasn't the plan but if you want to we can if you want to." Cedric replied. "I've done it once before with Gemma. That was kinda not fun."

"Why?" Hermione asked as Cedric got himself into the treehouse sitting across from her.

"She tried to have sex with me...again. Then I broke up with her...I actually did for the second time. Thankfully the last and she actually figured it out that I'm not gonna date her anymore. It was winter time but this thing can become insulated and warm."

"Gemma sounds weird!"

   "She definitely was but let's not talk about her. Let's talk about you...or me. Whichever one you like to talk about the best."

   "Ok then, what's the reason for this tree house?" Hermione started.

   "My father helped my friend's and I to make this because...we were 7-year-olds and we get bored easily. Basically we just played. Everyday during the summer Lukas, Max and Carson would come over to hang out in here. Even when we got into Hogwarts."

   "I didn't have many friends before Hogwarts."

   "Yeah, being an only child is hard because you don't have really anyone your age to talk to."

   "I do have many cousins."

   "I don't have any. Both of my parents never had siblings, or cousins. So I'm their only child they can ever had. That's really true, I'm surprised I was able to get born."

   "I thought Muggles in labor is more dangerous. Were you born in St. Mungos?"

   "Nope. Ask my mother if you really want to know. She's the one who actually gave birth to me."

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now