Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful

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Hermione Granger's POV.
Hermione got through her classes. Although she did see Cedric a lot. She tried to go towards him to her other class but she ran the longer way because she couldn't look at him before her plan was ready at action. Hermione started to go the long way to DADA to avoid Cedric until she was interrupted by someone.
"Hermione?" A girl's voice said. "Why are you going this way, you never go this way to DADA."
Hermione turned around to see Ginny Weasley behind her.
"Oh, hi Ginny," Hermione said hesitantly. "I went this way just for a change to get there, finding out where less people walk through to get to their classes."
"Really? Well the way you come from Charms and want to go to DADA, you shouldn't go the way your going now. I thought I told you that's it's hard to get from Charms to DADA if you go through the route your going through at this time of day. Did I not?"
Ginny did tell Hermione at the beginning of the year though she went this way to avoid Cedric.
"That might have slipped out of my mind. Thanks for reminding me Ginny."
"Your welcome. Need anymore help let me know cause I know the halls well" Ginny said as she started to walk to Herbology.
Hermione started to go to DADA. She didn't want to tell Ginny at that time that she wanted to avoid Cedric. She didn't want bad things to start to happen to early in the year.

After classes. 3rd point
Hermione finished Astronomy and started to go down to the Black Lake. Cedric finished Transfiguration and started to go to the Black Lake. Hermione got the Black Lake before Cedric. Cedric was just getting out of the castle.

Cedric Diggory's POV.
Cedric started to walk down to the Black Lake. The one thing he had to rid was his friends who were right near him.
"Ced, where are you going?" one of Cedric's friend, Max, said to him.
"I going to the Black Lake." Cedric responded to them. "I'm going alone."
"Why?" Max said to him.
"Why do you think Max? He's gonna meet someone who asked him to go alone," Cedric's other friend Lukas said to Max.
"Oh yeah, good point. Wait! Is it a girl?" Cedric'a third friend Carson asked.
"Carson he got the note last night, give him some space." Lukas said to Carson.
"I'll tell your later, promise." Cedric said trying not to seem like a bad friends, Max, Lukas and Carson. "Bye guys."
Cedric wasn't far from the Black Lake. Once he got there, he sat his stuff near a tree near the lake. He ended up pacing around the tree waiting for the person who want to talk to him thinking of his last dream. Cedric thought Harry was gonna tell him something weird for some reason and why would Harry want to talk with him? He wondered as he paced. He also still wondered about the weird talk he had with his best friend. Although he will tell them who he really liked, he hoped that talk wouldn't become all that stuff at school.

3rd point Omniscient
Hermione was watching him in the tree. She climbed up it waiting for him. She didn't know how to show herself. After about 5 minutes of pacing around, Cedric heard a twig fall from above. He looked up.
"Hello? Who's up there?" Cedric said.
Hermione jumped down from the tree.
"Hi Cedric. Sorry about that, didn't mean to do that." She said awkwardly.
"I didn't expect you here. I thought Harry wanted me to see him. Harry Potter of course. An owl came to my window and it looked like Harry's because I've seen her around before."
"It was me. Hedwig was right there and I used her instead of sneaking out which I do a lot but I didn't want to do it that day."
"Don't worry, I see it a lot. What did you want to tell me."
" you signing up for the Triwizard Tournament?" Hermione said very hesitant about it. She didn't want to tell what she really had on her mind. She didn't have the guts yet.
"Oh, yeah. Thinking about it, I'm gonna enter tonight."
"Can't wait to see."
"Yeah my friends are all about it and stuff like that."
"Are they planing on helping you?"
"They don't know I'm entering official yet."
"It has been on my mind for a while."
"I would hope you get in."
"Yeah and what happened that day after the Goblet reveal, we had that little talk in the library."
"I would have said more but I can't interrupt my studies."
"I know what your saying, I looked up the Triwizard Tournament. Most of my friends pry aren't gonna help me with this."
"I'll help if you need it."
"Thanks Hermione."
"I mean friends just can be there."
"Speaking of which I better go tell my other fiends I'm entering."
"Yeah I got to go also. Sorry if this time was a waste Cedric. Hope to see you around."
"Hope to see you around to and this wasn't a waste I liked it."

Cedric Diggory's POV.
After his small Talk with Hermione, he started his plan that he drew up last night. He was ready to really know Hermione Granger. He went to Hadgrid's Hut to ask him a simple question. This part was the hardest in his plan.
"Hadgrid?" Cedric said as he got to his hut.
"Cedric? Cedric Diggory I reckon?" Hadgrid said back.
"Can I ask you a simple question?"
"Have at it."
"Can I borrow your Creatures for one night?"
"I would love to but I'm scared you'll get hurt. I don't need to pay for that and I hate to see you both get hurt or almost killed."
"Hadgrid, you know me well enough that you know I can deal with them. I've been doing this for 3 years now, I promise I'll be careful."
"Cedric, I'll let you borrow them Friday night but be careful and come to me before Friday if you need any questions on them."
"Thank you Hadgrid and I promise we won't get hurt." Cedric said with that small joy.
"No problem. I'm only doing this because I trust you." Hadgrid said back.
"Thanks for that."

That Night 3rd point
Hermione was with Ginny next to her watching to see who wanted the Triwizard Tournament. Harry and Ron were watching from a different angle but still watching. After a couple of submissions, a bunch of Hufflepuff's ran in with one student who was gonna submit.
"Who's the wet one in the front?" Ginny asked no one.
Hermione tried to figure out who it was which didn't take her long comparing she was face to face with him a day ago.
"Cedric Diggory," Hermione said to Ginny.
"Ok, am I the only one who thinks he looks good wet?" Ginny asked Hermione.
"No, I do." Hermione stated.
Cedric walked into the aging circle and released his parchment into the fire. There on, he was a possible champion. He turned to go back but caught sight of Hermione. Both Cedric and Hermione did that look. It's the look when you both like each other and it happens at weird times. We all will have that spark one day, just for Cedric and Hermione, it happened that day. When their connection broke, and Cedric went out back to his mates, Ron and Harry were right near. Ron did a little smile and wave to Cedric but Cedric didn't even notice it.
Sooner or later Fred and George came running in.
"We have it!" They both said both holding an Aging Potion.
"You will fail!" Hermione said to them.
"Oh yeah?" Fred said. "Why's that Granger?" George said.
"Well for one an Aging Spell is around the goblet. Dumbledore made it himself!"
"Dumbledore did that to think we think that." Fred said.
"We are still doing it!" George said.
"Ready Georgie?" Fred asked.
"Ready Freddie?" George asked.
Fred and George drank the Aging Potion at the same time. Like twins who do everything together. They both were able to step over the line. The crowd of students cheered for them. Then they put the name in the Goblet. The Great Hall roared with cheers until the Goblet didn't accept them and threw them out.
Hermione ignored the fight between Fred and George. A Drumstang came in with lots of his friends around him. She watched him enter the Triwizard Tournament. The student looked over to her only for a second but long enough to Hermione look back.
Hours after the submits for the day, Hermione went to her common room. Cedric did so the same. Both waiting to figure out who was a Champion tomorrow.

Summary: Hermione's plan worked but she didn't have the guts to tell Cedric what was going on in her head. Cedric was able to get his plan started. What is Cedric's plan? Who's it for?

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