Chapter 10: Date Drama

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Cedric returned to his dormitory. He kept thinking to himself about Hermione. Did Hermione really love him or did she just say so. Did the spark just come up? As he returned, he was met by his mates talking about the Yule Ball.
"Ok, who's taking who?" Cedric asked when he got in.
"Ok, I was going to do the Astronomy Tower idea but Lynzie asked me out. I'm so glad because that was a risky idea." Lukas said.
"I asked out Maxi Goldstein a Ravenclaw 5th year girl." Carson said.
"I went to ask Luna Lovegood a while ago once we found out about the Yule Ball." Max said. "Ced, did you ask out Hermione?"
"No." Cedric said quickly
"Well, where were you the whole time?" Max asked.
"Long story." Cedric said to Max.
"He's was in a bathroom with Hermione the whole time." Lukas stated.
"Your supposed to ask her out. Do you not want to ask her out?" Max asked.
"I do, it was just that, we got distracted."
"What if she gets asked by Potter?" Carson gasped. "Or maybe Krum?"
"I'll do it tomorrow." Cedric said. "I do it some time tomorrow."
"Do it now!" Max exclaimed with the weird idea he said.
"But then I'll have to face the Fat Lady." Cedric stated.
"You don't call a lady fat, where are your manners Ced?" Carson said.
"You bloody idiot." Lukas said as he threw a pillow towards Carson. "The Fat Lady painting."
All of the boys continued to talk about the Yule Ball and their dates. Cedric already forgot that the golden egg was there beside his bed.

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione was ready to hear what Ginny had to say.
"Someone asked me to the Yule Ball!" Ginny squealed.
"Ooooo...who?" Hermione asked.
"Neville Longbottom!"
"Neville Longbottom? He did? Good for you Ginny." Lavender Brown said as she and Parvati Patil entered the common room from their dormitory just to get something from the common room.
"Seamus Finnigan asked Lavender." Parvati said. "I was asked out by a Beauxbatons student Brent Johnson."
"Did you know Harry asked someone out?" Lavender asked Hermione and Ginny.
"No, who?" Hermione and Ginny said at the same time.
"He asked Cho Chang!" Lavender said. "Ron is also taking someone."
"Ron? Who?" Ginny asked.
"Well I heard Ron originally tried to ask Fleur Delacour but I heard he didn't." Parvati explained. "Them he went to ask her again but she was taken so somehow, Ron is taking Gabrielle Delacour. Also known as Gabby."
"I can't believe Ron has a date." Ginny stated. "Hermione did he ask you?"
"He? Krum?" Lavender asked.
"He means Cedric Diggory." Ginny said.
"Cedric hasn't asked me yet. I've only been asked by note. Also we have a weird story."
"Cedric Diggory?" Lavender asked.
"Well I think you guys look better together." Parvati said.
"Why him? Hufflepuff beat Gryffindor in the game last year!" Lavender exclaimed.
"It wasn't his fault Harry fell off his broom." Hermione said.
"Let's go Lavender, we have to get going. Here's your book. We got what you needed." Parvati said to Lavender. "I don't want to see her go crazy." She said to Hermione.
"Bye." Ginny said.
Ginny and Hermione talked all night. Some of it was Hermione's story. Some of it was about the Yule Ball and their dates.

The next morning
Hermione entered the Great Hall for breakfast. Since Harry and Ron weren't at the Gryffindor table, she went to the Hufflepuff table where she saw Cedric sitting there.
"Hey Hermione." Cedric said when he saw her come near him.
"Hey Cedric." Hermione said.
   "How have you been?"
"Not much since I was with you last night. Taking about the Yule Ball dates last night. Did you know Ron asked Gabrielle Delacour? And Lavender was asked by Seamus Finnigan? And Parvati was asked by...Brent Johnson a Beauxbatons student? And Ginny was asked by Neville? And Harry asked out Cho?" Hermione said heavily panting after she said that to Cedric.
"You learned all of that from last night?" Cedric asked.
"Yeah, how about you?"
"Well before I entered, I heard my mates talking about it so that can tell you how loud my friends are. Even if it is really late at night."
"That happens to me all the time." Hermione randomly said.
"Ok, so Lukas was asked out by Lynzie Marcella, Carson asked Maxi Goldstein and Max asked Luna Lovegood a while ago."
"Cool, more interesting that my life."
"Ok, instead of the Hogsmade date, would you rather go to the Yule Ball with me?" Cedric asked Hermione out of the blue.
"Um...I mean..."
"Wait, were you already asked out?"
"No! What I mean to say is.......yes."
"Great, can't wait."
"Um...I got to go do something right now. Bye."
"Ok. Bye Hermione."
Hermione slowly got up from the table. She dashed off to the library. Well she was but she nearly bumped into Ron and Harry.
"Morning Ron, Harry." Hermione said quickly. "Got to go now." She said as she went around them and ran off.
"Girls, they get more weird as they get older." Ron said to Harry.
Harry nodded in agreement.

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