Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit

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A/N: So the beginning of this chapter starts when Cedric and Harry are the last two in the maze. This is kind of a spin-off on CC but in my own twist. Just read it and hate me after 😂 So seriously please enjoy:-) Fair warning this chapter is long! I wanted to add one thing extra and it's a long timeline and yeah. Have fun:-)
Fun Fact: The pic for chapter 20-24 are actually song lyrics from the same song? What song is it and what movie is it from?

   The maze was closing in more and more as Cedric and Harry were trying to find the Cup. The attack on Cedric really did annoy him. Why would someone try to destroy him? He was still in the process of tying to find the Cup. He saw tow shadow figures down one lane of the maze. He ran towards them with his wand at ready.

   "Who are you two?" He asked as he pointed his wand at them both. It was hard to see who they were. They were shorter than him. More like Harry's age. "Are you part of the maze."

   "Cedric I'm so sorry but I must." One shadow figure said then he shoved Cedric into the hedge. He went back to the entrance of the maze.

   "Well was that what you wanted?" One shadow figure yelled from above.

   "Potter, Malfoy, lets go home." The one floating figure said above the two.

   Hermione saw Cedric return to the beginning. Soon after, she saw Harry return with the Cup.

   "He's back!" Harry yelled right away. Cedric saw him with the Cup next to him.

   Later that day in the hospital wing, Hermione was sitting with Cedric as he was healing from the scars that he got from the maze.

   "Cedric, you did it." Hermione said. "You got out of the maze and lived. Like you said you would." She said as she placed her hand on his hand.

   He stared at his girlfriend and didn't respond.

   "Come on Cedric." Hermione said hoping she would change something. "You did it and isn't that what matters."

   "That's helps Hermione. Thank you." He said as he kissed her forehead.

   "I knew you would make it. I got worried for you there."

   "I would die to save you. I love you."

   "I love you too."

   The last day of school rolled quickly around. Cedric and Hermione said their goodbyes before going to see their friends.

   "I hope I'll see you soon" Cedric said. "Goodbye Hermione."

   "Goodbye Cedric."

   Cedric went with Lukas, Carson and Max while Hermione went with Harry and Ron. They went on their own ways home. Little did they know when they would see each other again.

The summer went by. Hermione got no word from Cedric even though she wrote to him a lot. Even Ron replied to a letter or two. She decided to go visit his place. It would be a surprise but she hoped someone would be home when she went. Her mom took her to neighborhood where he lived and she found his house. His house was as simple as her house. Most of the houses looked plain. He told her he lived in a Wizarding neighborhood. She walked up to the front door and knocked on it a few times. After 10 seconds, the door slowly opened half way.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I'm Hermione Granger." She replied.

She opened the door wider. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"I'm here because...I was your son's girlfriend." Hermione said hoping she recognized who she was.

A moment of silence fell through the minute.

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now