Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit

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A/N: Ok so I had 3 ideas how to end the story. This is ending 1! Hope you like:)

   Hermione was in the stands with hundreds of other students and staff waiting for Cedric and Harry to appear. Viktor and Fleur were already out. Freaking out on the inside but chill on the outside. She believed they would get out soon. Only the small talk was heard amongst the crowd. The tense was in everyone to see who would win for Hogwarts.

   "Ron." She said. "I worried for them...both."

   "They'll both be out and alive." Ron said I encouragement. "I know they will. He will come back."

   "Both of them?"

   "I'm sure they both will. They both are great."

   "Yeah but what will this mean?"

   "It means Hogwarts will win at least."

   "That's being positive."

   "He loves you."

   "But I thought..."

   "I know I was a pain when you started but before the second task I accepted you two. I just never told you."

   "Thanks Ron."

   The Cup took Cedric and Harry to a dark place. It wasn't where they started.

   "You alright?" Cedric asked Harry after they hit the ground very hard.

   "Yeah." Harry replied as they both got up.

   "Where are we?" Cedric asked no one guessing Harry didn't know where they were. He walked around to find the Cup. He didn't hear Harry talk to himself. He found the Cup. "Harry! Harry the Cup is a portkey!" He exclaimed.

   "Cedric! We've got to get out of here!" Harry yelled. "It's a trap!"

   "What are you talking about Harry?"

   Harry's scar start painfully hurting as a man Cedric didn't recognize carrying what looked like a dead skinless snake body.

   "Cedric! Get to the Cup!" Harry exclaimed.

   Cedric stood his ground with his wand at his target. "Who are you!? And what do you want!?" He asked the person with the body.

   Sadly he didn't hear the words "Kill the spare."

   "Avada Kedavra!" His killer said with the ending sound of Harry yelling "No!"

   The last words he ever heard. Before his dead body fell on the ground. Cedric was never the spare to anyone but only the Dark Lord's eyes.

   Harry was in the process of defending himself form the Dark Lord who released the killing curse at him. All of a sudden, the bond of the wands brought back ghosts of Frank Bryce, Cedric Diggory, and his parents, James and Lily Potter. It was as if they were alive by dead.

   The last words Harry heard from Cedric were, "Take my body. Take my body back to my parents" before Harry releases and took the cup and body back to Hogwarts.

   Loud cheers among the crowd were heard all around. Only Fleur could see the pain Harry was expressing. It didn't take long for everyone to realize that something wasn't right.

   "Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "Ron what's going on?"

   "I think..." Ron said. "I think he's dead." And he wasn't talking about Harry.

   Everyone was still in the stands because they were told to so they could remove the body. Hermione tried to stay fine but it was hard to. It was all quiet all around as Cedric's parents saw their dead son.

   Later that day in the hospital wing, the champions that were alive were healing up. Hermione and Ginny were beside the Wall sitting on the ground, together, coping over what happened.

   "Ginny." Hermione said. "What do you think would have happened if he was still alive?"

   "He was a wonderful person Hermione."

   "Do you think it was a bad idea?"

   "What was a bad idea?"

   "To date him and love him?"

   "And be his girlfriend."

   "Yeah and that."

   "No Hermione. You did nothing wrong. He just...He just died. He was murdered. Harry said so and we have to believe he's correct cause he witnessed his death."

   Lukas approached Hermione and Ginny. He gave a piece of paper to Hermione. "It's for you."

   "Thanks Lukas." Hermione said back.

  Hermione and Ginny both read the note:

Dear Hermione,
   If your reading this, you're my girlfriend. If not, burn this note and read no further.
   From the day I saw you at the Quidditch World Cup was the day I knew I wanted you. I tried to not let you in my head but you were always there. You were always in my head. I loved you before I said so. Remember this poem I found:
   Please believe it's true
   When I say forever
   Know I'll never leave you
   When I say goodbye
   Promise me you won't cry
   Because the day I'll be saying
   That will be the day I die

<3 Cedric

   Hermione closed the note. Ginny hugged her as the tears rolled down her cheek. Cedric's mother walked towards Hermione and Ginny.

   "Hello Mrs. Diggory." Ginny said. "Do you need anything?" She asked.

   "Well not exactly. I'm here to say: Thank You Hermione."

   "For what?" Hermione asked whipping her tears away and standing up with Ginny standing up behind her.

   "I know I said this but thanks for making my son happy. I don't want you to forget how much he loved you."

   "I won't." Hermione said.

   The next day, the staff had a memorial service for him. Even though it was to soon, it was final.

   The rest of the summer, Hermione went to the Diggory's house to help cope over the death. Everyday she saw the cup in their house with all including every letter he sent to his parents that year. She read them all during the summer. It was all she had that she used to remember them

   September 30th, 1994
Dear parents,
   So I know I said I would stop this year on dating but I can't. I met this young girl today. Father you met her at World Cup. Hermione Granger. I haven't talked to her at all but I wanted to tell you that I may go for another girl. I know Gemma and Cho weren't my type anymore but this one, this one isn't like them. I got into the Triwizard Tournament. Harry Potter got in to. I'm guessing you guys may already know that. I'll write to you more
   Your son,

   She read multiple ones about her. He really did love her enough to write about her. All of them contained her in it. Even letters about some of her dates. The one sneaking out at night, the Yule Ball, the part after the Yule Ball, the Hufflepuff Dorm date, the Room of Requirement, Hogsmade and multiple more dates after that. Hermione remembered all the events like it was yesterday.

"I guess the Hurricane hit us early." Hermione said. "I love you Cedric Diggory."

A/N: Yeah, yeah I killed him. Keep the fact that this was the first ending. The next ending is my other idea. Yes I'm posting two days in a row. I'm starting school again tomorrow so I hope you guys have a great day and enjoyed the story because this is just the first ending:)

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now