Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships

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The day after the first task went by. The newspaper was already published for the day. Let's just say the paper cause let's if racket and talking during the Hogwarts breakfast.
Hermione was up right and early. When she went to the Great Hall that morning, she ran into some Slytherin girls. Millicent Bludsrode, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass and the lead if the gang, Pansy Parkinson. Hermione saw them giggling while reading the Daily Prophet. Hermione tried to walk right past the Slytherin's but Pansy caught her walking in the corner of her eye.
"Well, well isn't it Hermione Granger?" Pansy snared. "Or should I say, Hermione Lioness Love?"
"Lioness Love?" Hermione questioned.
"Have you read the Daily Prophet yet?" Daphne asked.
"I thought you read a lot?" Millicent stated.
"I just got down here." Hermione said. "I heard nothing about it."
"Highly suggest you do." Pansy said. "Pass me one Milli."
Millicent gave Pansy her a newspaper. Pansy then tossed it to Hermione quickly. To Hermione's surprise, she caught it.
"Happy reading." Pansy said sarcastically.
Hermione then went into the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. Ron and Harry weren't there yet so she sat and waited in their usual spot and she read the Daily Prophet. Soon after that event, Cedric entered the Great Hall and caught sight of Hermione. He went over to her seeing she had no one. Once he got to her, she was really into the Daily Prophet.
"Hey Hermione." Cedric said as he sat next to her.
"Read this!" Hermione said point to the words Hermione Lioness Love.
"Hermione Granger. The fourth year student, Hermione Jean Granger has had some love with 2 Triwizard Champions." Cedric read aloud. "The Gryffindor Granger has been into none other than Harry Potter and Viktor Krum!"
"I know right!" Hermione said. "Look at this, "One thing Hermione is also doing is interrupting the relationship between Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour ." What made Harry and Fleur a thing?"
Using the whole time Hermione read that, Cedric quickly snatched a piece of Hermione's bacon on her plate. Hermione didn't even notice for a bit.
Hermione continue to read. "Harry and Fleur are a thing and Viktor and Hermione are a thing, 2 Gryffindor's are rebelling to become Lioness Love." Cedric are you getting this?"
"Yeah, what in it for me?" He asked.
"Nothing! You're so lucky. The paper has not even a single word about or anything g close to you."
"Who gave you the Daily Prophet?"
"Pansy Parkinson and her friends were also there. Millicent Bulstrode, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass and Gemma Farley."
Hermione put the newspaper down and saw that her plate didn't have the same amount of food before Cedric sat next to her. She had 4 pieces of now she has 2.
"Cedric, have you been eating my bacon?" Hermione asked for a straight answer.
"Maybe." He replied slowly.
"Honestly Cedric, your like Ron and chicken."
"A boy need to eat when a boy needs to eat."
"Seriously?" She said as she laughed a bit.
Before you know it, Hermione noticed that everyone was watching then and whispering around them. Hermione saw the Slytherin girls giggling and whispering to each other. Harry, Ron and Ginny entered the Great Hall.
"Here comes fun." Hermione said softly.
"Hope it's better than last time."
Harry, Ron and Ginny all walked towards them both.
"Hi Harry, Ron, Ginny what's new?" Hermione asked.
"Hi, Hermione." Harry said as he sat down.
"Hey." Ginny said as she sat down next to Harry.
"What's Diggory doing here?" Ron asked as he sat next to Hermione.
"No hi? Nothing? Just automatically ask why Cedric is with me?"
"Hi, now why is he here?" Ron asked again.
"I let him join me. Anyway look at this." Hermione showed them the Daily Prophet to three.
"Lioness Love: Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are trying to create love." Harry read out loud.
"It looks like Harry and Fleur is a thing! Ok that's false!" Ron said.
"Hermione and Viktor? Ok, I thought you liked Cedric." Ginny said to Hermione. "You haven't even dated Viktor at all, Cedric you have."
"You went on a date?" Ron said loud enough to attract attention.
"Sorry Hermione." Ginny quickly said.
Harry and Cedric decided to stay quiet and not join the drama. Ginny was nearly tearing up thinking she ruined something. Everyone in the Great Hall was watching Ron and Hermione.
"Yes I went on a date with Cedric." Hermione said. "Is that a problem to you?"
"When did this happen?!" Ron asked.
"You know that night when you came in and heard Ginny and I talk that night?" Hermione said.
"Yeah, you and Ginny were talking about Diggory." Ron said.
"Well...Cedric sent me a note that night to go and meet him and it was like a date a bit. Let's just say it was a date."
"And kiss. Also one at World Cup which I just forgot about until you mentioned dating."
"A kiss? What else do I not know?"
"That we had a date and a kiss and I have no idea why I'm telling you this Ron."
"But...he's way to old for you." Ron whispered to Hermione.
"What?! I can take care of myself, Ron! Also we are only 2 years apart in age!"
"Still 2 years is a gap."
"And what am I supposed to date? Someone who's 2 days older than me?"
"It wouldn't be half as bad as 2 years."
"Ron," Hermione hesitated. "I despise you right now!"
Everyone in the Great Hall heard them soon it was the conversation of the day. Ron felt hated but thought he was doing the right thing. Ron and Hermione didn't know what to really do. They were just making drama. Hermione ran out of the Great Hall. Ron was left there standing there with everyone watching him. He sat down after that. Harry was shocked, Ginny was trying to breathe thinking she did this drama and Cedric left the Gryffindor table.

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