Chapter 12: Love Rebels

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Hermione went outside to find no one around. Then again the snow was heavy and she had no idea why she snuck out at night. She didn't see him in sight so she turned back. Then it's when he ran into him again.
"Cedric! Didn't see you there."
"Were you just going to go in?"
"Yes, it's cold out here."
"Where should we go then?"
"Not outside." Hermione said sarcastically.
"Course not."
"Library then?"
"Why did I not guess you would say that?"
Cedric and Hermione both snuck around the school to get to the library quickly and quietly as possible. Avoiding Flitch and his filthy cat, Ms. Norris. The cat has no first name but a last name? It's weird but they had to focus on more stuff. Hermione saw a sparkle on the ground from the moonlight. She grabbed whatever that thing was that sparkled in the light. Still quiet like a cats feet, both students got to the library without any distractions. Cedric closed the door to the entrance hoping Flitch came though the library earlier.
"What do you have?" Cedric asked about the thing Hermione was holding in her hands that she found in the hallways on the way to the library.
Hermione held up the thing she found in the hallways. The thing had a earring hook and the thing that was hanging from then hook was a beaded sparkly thing.
"It looks like a radish?" Hermione said. "Now who wearing radish earring?"
"No one in Hufflepuff."
"No one in Gryffindor. Would it be a Slytherin girl?"
"I doubt it comparing I've dated one and radish earring would be the last thing I would see."
Then out of the blue, the sound of books falling was heard.
"Cedric, what was that." Hermione asked.
"Someone is in the library."
"Not Flitch hopefully."
Hermione got low to hide from whoever would be out this late. Cedric was looking to figure out who this random person was in the library.
"Do you see anyone?" Hermione asked.
"No, actually, yes I see someone."
"Can you tell who it is?"
"Not someone in my house. They are walking aimlessly."
"Aimlessly? What?"
"I mean they look like they don't know where they are going. More like this person is sleepwalking?"
"Are you completely sure they are sleep waking?"
"Definitely. It looks like it's a girl with long white blonde hair."
"I don't know anyone with long blonde hair."
"I do."
"Well does it look like Gemma?"
"No. She looks like she is wearing a purple outfit on. Nothing like what Gemma would wear. I'm going to see who this person is."
"You mean your going to walk up to her?"
"Well, try not to get killed."
"I'm hoping I don't."
As Hermione stayed hidden, Cedric slowly and carefully. In his eyes, they girl was someone he thought he might have seen but where? The girl ended up running into a book shelf and waking herself up.
"Well, isn't this peculiar?" The girl said after she ran in the bookshelf.
Hermione got up and look to see who the girl was.
"Are you ok?" Hermione asked to the girl.
The girl stood up and turned around. Cedric and Hermione were face to face with the none other than Luna Lovegood.
"Hello there you two." She said in a soft and kind voice. "So is this what good students do?"
"Doing what?" Cedric asked.
"Do good student sneak out at night to hang together?" She responded back in.
"Together? As what version do you mean of together?" Hermione asked Luna a weird question.
"I mean not many sneak out at night. I know cause I sleepwalk at night. That's why I wear shoes to bed. Are you guys more than friends?"
"Friends?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah friends or are you guys more of love rebels?" Luna said.
"Love rebels? Nah we're aren't." Cedric said.
"Well you guys do the most craziest things alone when you can breaking so many rules along with that? Like that one night you snuck out together?" Luna said in the way that gave Hermione the chills.
"Uh Luna it's getting late you should get going back to your tower." Cedric hesitated to say.
"Well I seemed to lost something during the day so I was kinda looking for it. Probably the Nargles took it." She responded.
"You mean this?" Hermione asked as she revealed the radish earring in her pocket.
"Yes." Luna said as she took it out of Hermione's hands. "You two enjoy your night. Don't get in trouble." Luna said then she skipped out of the library.
Cedric and Hermione waited for her to completely exit the library.
"Well that was a series of weird events all in three hours." Hermione stated.
"What time is it?"
"I don't know. 3:00."
"It's funny that you said that you didn't know the time then you just said the actual time." Cedric joked.
"Should we go back now?"
"We should, but this night hasn't needed yet. Let's go to my common room for abut if you want to."
"It's better than mine comparing who's in it."

Cedric and Hermione walked down the halls together also making sure Flitch wasn't around. They talked quietly about what they usually do during Christmas time because Christmas Day was that day. Cedric told that when he was younger, he would only spend Christmas with his two parents and no one else. Hermione said that when she was younger, he while family would come to her house on Christmas Eve night and on Christmas morning is when she would wake up early to celebrate the holiday.
"I'd always went with my cousins to hang with during Christmas. Right after I was eleven, those happy moments didn't happen again." Hermione concluded.
"A Muggle-born doing magic or accidentally do a spell in front of her Muggle family would cause a racked in our house and neighborhood. So that's why being a witch isn't always the best when your on break."
"Well when my parents found out I was a wizard, they were that excited for me."
"Must be nice being the center of attention. Most kids in my neighborhood think I'm a little odd and shouldn't belong."
"Why would anyone think that about you. Your amazing."
"They think I'm weird for staying isolated a lot. Although there is those times where my family goes and visits London."
"My parents aren't so strict on my magic. Then again I live in a Wizarding neighborhood."
"Well no one would care or think your weird."
They both eventually got to the front entrance of the Hufflepuff common room.
"You've done this before?" Hermione asked.
"Snuck others that aren't in your house into your house common room?"
"Yes...well no. No one ever cares anyway."
"Do you think anyone will know?"
"It's 4:00 and people don't usually get up until 7:00 well sometimes 6:00."
"What's that growing?" Hermione said as she pointed upwards.
"Oh I know who put that there well actually I don't."
"Mistletoe." She said as the leaves grew to show what it really was.
The moment was quiet as they kissed under the mistletoe on that fine Christmas morning. Instead of one, they kissed over and over together in the perfect movements. It was like they have done this a million of times in their life when really it was only their sixth kiss. (I think it's six) The moment could have lasted forever however the sound of close footsteps started to sound. Separating each other, they went into the Hufflepuff common room quickly and quietly.
"Well this is totally different from our common room." Hermione first said when she entered.
"I can guess that." Cedric said as he sat down on one of the couches in front of the fireplace that he lit up. "I don't know really, it's just been this way forever."
"It's nice just that...I had no idea what to expect."
"Well this is what it's like."
They ended up talking so long that they didn't even notice the time was 6:00.
"Um...I better get going now." Hermione said. "Thanks for tonight. Happy Christmas."
"No problem. Happy Christmas to you to Hermione."
Hermione got out and though the castle to her common without anyone noticing her. She got in just before it was half past six.

Summary: The night didn't end front he Yule Ball. It lasted for the whole night. Weird places the two went to. What will this night do to their relationship? Will Luna tell anyone? What's going to be Cedric and Hermione's friends reaction if Luna tells everyone?"

AN: Hey readers. Thanks for reading my story so far. I'm going to camp soon so the next update might be in two weeks. Comment your opinions and any suggestions on the next chapter.

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