Chapter 18: Wanting More

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   Hermione ended up at the library. No one was there that late as she was. She quickly walked to her little corner with walls of books all around. She sat down with tears running down her face from stress and force. Her quiet crying wasn't heard from anyone even if they were on the opposite side of the book shelves.

   Cedric walked towards the library hoping Hermione ended up in here. The night was getting late but it wouldn't effect a Prefect like him. Entering with the old Hogwarts doors squeaking as you open up. He looked into the dark library and swished a lumos charm to see. He slowly walked though not know why because he wouldn't get in trouble because of it. He was in the middle of the library trying to get to her corner where she would usually be at. He didn't know someone else was there until he ran into someone.

   "Diggory," the voice he heard from behind who was from a young girl. "What are you doing here?"

   He looked behind him to reveal Luna Lovegood.

   "Luna! Geez, we need to put a bell on you. Why are you here?" He asked.

   "Sleepwalking again. I woke up when I heard you enter. You are very quiet and you look very dashing."

   Cedric just remembered he still hadn't had time to change after the date.

   "Why so...fancy?" Luna asked.

   "To be honest, I've looked better."

   "Yeah but this isn't a night for...for...guys looking good."

   "Well...I's a long story."


   Cedric nodded at her answer.

   "It's great to see you but I'm in the middle of trying to find something." Cedric said to Luna.

   "Don't you mean someone?"


   "Hermione is in her usual corner. She peaceful and I haven't heard any book pages turn so she's not reading."

   "Thanks Luna."

   "No problem. I'll leave and let you two enjoy yourself."

   Luna went one way while Cedric went to the other way. He quickly but quietly got himself to the corner seeing Hermione crying, her body in a ball form.

   "Hermione." He said. "Are you alright?"

   Hermione lifted her head to see him in front of her. Cedric walked to her and sat next to her. Then wiping her tears away from her face. His arms wrapping around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Hermione leaned in for a desperate deep kiss. Cedric accepted it letting her feel his inner walls as he felt her inner walls.

   "Well hello to you to Hermione. Are you sure you are ok?"

   "Now I'm with you, why wouldn't I be ok?"

   "You and I, Room of Requirement?" Cedric whispered in her ear.

   Hermione nodded to his answer.

   "Then I suggest we go now." Cedric said before standing up.

   They both quickly got out of the library. Both able to avoid Flitch and Miss. Norris. When they went in the Room of Requirement to see a bed and candles around it. Cedric and Hermione hugged each other so tight that Cedric was able to spin around once with Hermione wrapped around him. A deep kiss was then given. Discovering more into one another. Once it was teared apart by Hermione, her hands slowly went down his sides and inched to his bottom shirt button then undoing it. Going up and up undoing each one. She looked back up at him giving a small smile. He smiled back knowing what she wanted to do that he wanted to do. Cedric pulled Hermione onto the bed that was right behind him. He hands found the zipper to her dress and unzipped it all the way down. The straps of her dress fell off her shoulders. His hands went to the clip of her bra and he unclipped it. Hermione aided Cedric to take his white shirt off. His hands went down to his belt to undo it. Hermione moved her arms so her dress and bra fell off her. Cedric pushed her dress down her waist which then fell off her body. He then pushed her panties off. Hermione fell to the side of Cedric so he was able to get his clothes off.

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now