Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love

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A/N: I meant to post this Saturday but I didn't have time. I meant to post this Sunday but I didn't have any time. It's Monday and I hope you enjoy Chapter 14.

Ever since that afternoon when Cedric and Hermione's relationship flourished, they couldn't help but wanting another one of those moments. They both glanced at each other during the meals. Keeping their only secret to each other. The second task kept them both distracted from one another. Both didn't know what may happen. What they did that night was the night they won't forget. They didn't know what was coming. They only accepted who they were. No caring about what others may think. Just only doing what they wanted to do.
The night before the second task came.
"Harry, exactly what did you hear?" Hermione demanded for an answer as Ron and herself were trying to help Harry.
"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. While your searching, ponder this, we've taken what you'll surely miss. An hour long you have to look, to recover what we took. Past an hour the prospects black. To late, it's gone, it won't come back." Harry said half asleep.
"Well...Ron wake up!" Hermione said as she tapped a sleepy friend trying not to fall asleep. "You have to find something under water in and hour. Just the problem is, the hour underwater thing is a little difficult."
"A little difficult?" Harry exclaimed. "Hermione have you held your breath underwater for an hour."
"Look." She paused. "We will find something."
"Sorry to break it up you three." A voice interrupted. Mad Eye Moody was standing right in front of them. "Weasley, Granger, McGonagall needs you two only."
"Let's go." She said to Ron as they existed out of the library leaving Harry to ponder all alone they thought.

The day of the second task came. Cedric was waiting at the docks for Hermione. He saw Harry and Neville approach but no Ron or Hermione.
"Ced, let's go already." He heard his friend, Lukas, call him.
He decided to forget about it and went with his friends to the dock stands for the second task. Standing at the edge of the dock with Harry to his right and Krum to his left. Nervous but ready to find what the mermaids stole.
"You may jump on three." Dumbledore shouted to all. "One!" And then the cannon blew to early. Again Flitch can't count.
Viktor, Fleur and Cedric both dove in while Harry struggled to sallow something but fell in. The second task then started, underwater.

Cedric swam around through the Black Lake. It was harder because the water had more flit in it and so many things to avoid. He haven't seen much at all really. Just long seaweed that would tangle you if you stayed in one place to long. It was pretty dark and you couldn't see much within two feet of where you were.
After what is felt like hours, which was really only a long 50 minute swim, Cedric came across something. Seeing some merpeople swim towards what looked like four human bodies tied to seaweed. He also saw Harry surrounded by merpeople with their tridents to his neck. The four bodies that were tied to the ground were three Hogwarts students and one young girl that looked like she should be for Fleur to save.
Cedric swam hard and quick to the four bodies. The four merpeople swam away when he came and casted a spell to distract them so Harry can be free. He floated their to take a look of who was who. On the far right was the young girl for Fleur, the one to the far right was the ginger hair in the golden trio which was obviously for Harry, the one right next to him was a white/yellow blonde hair girl who he didn't recognize right away, and then the girl who had really pale skin and her hair looked like she was struck by an electric socket. That was for him to save. Hermione Granger he then recognized was for him and the blonde girl on her left was Gemma Farley which was probably for Viktor to save.
He casted his wand to the seaweed that was holding Hermione down and casted a spell to burn the seaweed. He wrapped his arms around her waist. The girl was so light in his arms. He looked at Harry and tried to signal that time was slowing down. Then he swam hard and fast up to the surface. The Bubble-Head Charm started to ware off as he caught the sight of sunlight from the surface. He swam harder with more force trying to get the girl up to the surface in time.
When both caught their first breath of real air, the crowd roared with cheers. Hermione just then remembered where she was. Cedric wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her above the water. Immediately she calmed down taking regular breaths. Cedric lead her out to the docks.
Once they were both out, many towels were given to them. They both were sitting next to each other on the docks waiting for the rest to get out.
"Here." Cedric said as he took off the one towel he had and offered it to Hermione.
He just saved the girl from merpeople. Wasn't that already impressive. Now he's still trying to make her seemed impressed with him.
Cedric strapped the towel on Hermione's shoulders then rubbed his hands on her arms trying to warm her up.
"Thanks." Hermione responded. "Did you see Harry?" She asked.
"Yeah, he's down there." He responded as Viktor and Gemma both popped up out of the water. "He was down their when I went."
"Wait, what's Fleur doing up here?" Hermione asked out of the blue seeing her near the docks with her friends.
"I don't know." Cedric said as he stood up still chilly.
"Ced," he heard and turned around to see Lukas.
"Lu, hey." He said back.
"How was it?" He asked out of the blue.
"Hard I guess. Harry was down their when I went. Where is he?"
"He's coming. Fleur came up ten minutes ago."
"But what about her treasure? Her sister was down there next to Hermione."
"" he hesitated. "Ced, aren't your chilly?" He asked trying to change the subject handing him a towel.
"Yes but I gave my towel to Hermione."
"Trying to make yourself look more impressive then you already are. I like it."
"Hey, you know, hey." Hermione said.
They both looked down at her
"Not to interrupt or anything but I can hear you." She said.
"Oh, sorry." Lukas said. "We were just talking about random stuff."
"Well I don't really need to listen." Hermione said then looking back at the Black Lake.
Right when the hour was over, Ron and Gabrielle both appeared from the water. It was a shock to all. Both were helped out onto the docks. Harry was seen who flew from the water and landed on the docks.
"Harry." Hermione exclaimed as she ran to him. "You did fine."
"I went over time Hermione. I came last." Harry responded."
"Second to last. Fleur was disqualified." Hermione told Harry.
The professors had a quick talk before the announced the winners.
"Attention." Dumbledore announced. "ATTENTION!" He announced which echoed everywhere. "The winner is, Mr. Diggory using the Bubble-Head Charm."
Cheers roared after that announcement was given. "Yes." Hermione said under her breath.
"Harry Potter we thought would have won but since he saved not only Mr. Weasley but Ms. Delacour also, we give him, second place. Krum with third and Delacour with fourth."
Cheers roared for that announcement Dumbledore gave. All was done when everyone was escorted back to dry lands of Hogwarts.

"Hermione, Hermione." Cedric said to her after they both were on land.
She turned around to see him. "Yes Cedric."
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Ok. Thanks for saving me out there. Never thought I would get saved for a tournament."
"Never thought that either." Cedric responded. "Well I wanted to ask you..." he paused for a second looking at her.
Both didn't have any words to say. Hermione wrapped both arms around his neck not caring about what it would look like.
"I wanted to ask you about meeting me in the Room of Requirement tonight at 21:00 by any chance?" Cedric asked a bit hesitant.
Hermione was usually a verbal girl but she paused before leaning in for the hungry kiss that she hasn't had for a few weeks. Cedric returned the kiss that Hermione just jumped on him. Luckily they were hidden being surrounded by so many trees.
"I'm guessing that's a yes?"
Hermione then nodded in response to his question.

It was 20:15 and Cedric was at was sitting at the common room thinking about what he should do. He had a plan bat may not work by he was going to do anything to make their relationship flourish. He didn't just love the girl, he wanted to spend every moment he could with her. The two had a relationship that Cedric never had before. He train of thought stopped when her heard someone call his name.
"Ced, what are you doing?" Lukas asked him.
"Preparing for tonight."
"Oh. Do you need anything before you go?" He asked being the friendly Hufflepuff he was.
"I don't think so Lu. It's just going to be Hermione and I, just the two of us."
"Yeah, your guys relationship is well strong. I look up to you two."
"You guys have the perfect love life. I think Lynzie and I are just, slow."
"It will only get better in the long run. You just have to be ready for anything."
"I know what your saying. Girls can get weird sometimes though."
"Then we must wait for them."
"They will always come around."
"They will. You and your ex-girlfriends were a lot."
"Yeah by Lynzie is special. She's not like the others."
"Hey, don't worry, you and Lynzie are fine together. She probably loves you but she hasn't got the guts to say so."
"Well you and Hermione being able to admit is so soon is just different."
"It's just going to be just me and Hermione."
"Yep, well you two enjoy yourself then. You really should go now before its to late."
"Right, thanks Lu." He said as he got up to go to the door. "Thanks Lu."
"No problem. Now go enjoy the girl."

He quickly be surely got to the Room of Requirement. Being a Prefect, it wasn't to hard because he was allowed to be in the halls after lights out. It's one of the advantages of being one. He got the the door with Hermione at the entrance.
"Hey." She said once he got to her. "I've been waiting for you to come."
"Sorry if I came a bit late."
"No need to apologize. As long as whatever is behind the door worth it, I'm sure I'll love it."
"Ok then." He said as he opened the doors.
The two both stepped in and the door behind shut. Hermione looked around to see a room with a big bed and about three candles on the bedside tables a foot away from the bed.
"I thought we could have our next step in out relationship somewhere private so we don't have to worry." Cedric said.
Hermione walked up looking around the room. It seemed simple but cozy. She went to sit onto the bed that was big enough for the two of the them.
"You didn't have to." Hermione said.
"But I did." He said as he sat next to her. "The second step in a love relationship."
He then wrapped his arm around her waist scooting closer to her. She wrapped her arms around her neck. They didn't know what they had in their relationship. They stared into each other's eyes like they always did.
"Cedric, kiss me." Hermione whispered in demand.
Without hesitation, Cedric leaned in the accept the kiss Hermione asked for. Drinking one another's vulnerable beauty in them. Tongues touched as they acted like they were in a war trying to see to covers the most. They didn't know what they had nor did they know what they've done to each other.

Summary: Yes I'm leaving you off here. It's going to get juicy in the next chapter. Will anyone find out? What's inside of Ron and Ginny's mind about their relationship? How fast is their relationship going to go? Find out in Chapter 15.

A/N: I hope you like this chapter. It's simple but I hope you like it. I'll try to post soon with Chapter 15. Nothing much going on so get ready for the next chapter. Have a great day~Liz

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now