Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament

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This was no average day. All of the students were in the Hogwarts Great Hall. Right before everyone saw 2 schools from foreign countries come to Hogwarts. The first school entered the Great Hall. They were students from a school called Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. The location for the school is in Pyrenees, France. The other was Drumstang Institute. The school was located in the Northernmost so it would be students from Sweden or Norway. Hogwarts was hosting the Triwizard Tournament! It's big event that will go down in history. The three schools have been at it for years. Beauxbatons has came out with 64 Triwizard winners before this tournament and Hogwarts has came out with 64 winners also and Drumstang has never had a Triwizard Winner. One rule is, only students 17 and older are allowed to enter. Dumbledore revealed the Goblet of Fire.

Hermione Granger's POV.
The Triwizard Tournament! She couldn't believe it's this year the event happens. They haven't done it in hundreds of years because of badly injuries. Better see who makes it. She saw the look that Fred and George both really wanted to go. It was to bad their birthdays are in April so they have to wait. Hermione saw Cedric and she noticed how he looked at the Goblet, he looked at it like he wants to join. She wouldn't be surprised if he made it. Has anyone seen him?
"Minone? Hermione?" Ron says as he tries to get Hermione's attention. "What are you looking at?"
Hermione then then realizes she was staring at the Hufflepuff table by accident and thinking for a long time. She knew Cedric saw her because she was staring right at him.
"Nothing you need to know about, Ron" Hermione responds back. "I think after this I'm going to the library tomorrow to study this tournament. Would anyone like to join?"
"No thanks. Harry and I are were planing on seeing what Fred and George will do. Won't we Harry?" Ron says back.
"I guess so. Actually, yes, that was our plan for tomorrow" Harry said.

Cedric Diggory's POV.
After the Triwizard Tournament was announced, Cedric had the plan to enter. Challenging himself on difficult magic that would change his life forever. Having the thought to enter distracting the next few minutes of his life he accidentally stares near the Gryffindor table near Hermione. Quickly noticing he was starting into space he regains himself and continues to listen to Dumbledore's speech. Cedric plans on submitting his name in the Goblet of Fire tomorrow and also going to go study for the tournament.
"Mate you gonna enter or something?" His best friend, Lukas said.
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to look it up a bit but I would love to do it." Cedric responded back.
"I can imagine it all. Cedric Diggory, Triwizard Champion and pry could find someone, again because of this."
"Lukas, it should matter on the girl, not that they think your amazing because of being popular and all."
"Well that's what I think."
"Yeah thanks for that encouragement." Cedric said sarcastically.
Cedric had his plan ready for they next day. Tomorrow would be a good day to figure out what this Tournament is. Heard way to much about it and wasn't gonna deny this chance. This could be very interesting. Hope it will be a good one. First plan of action is where to start studying for this. Better be at a time when I'm not doing anything.

The Next Day:
Hermione went to the library after lunch. It was just an average Saturday and she wanted to get her extra books for her classes. She also wanted to study the Triwizard Tournament deeply. Cedric also went to study more on it. He wanted to know what the Tournament has to offer comparing he wanted to join. Both of them were just facing one each other. Just that there was a bookshelf right in front of them. Hermione started to walk towards the end where she would turn to go in the same section Cedric was at. Cedric started to go the same direction Hermione was going to. The both were thinking the same thing and started walking towards each other. They would have bumped into each other if Cedric didn't look up and stop them both.
"Um...excuse me please. I was just going to get a book over there," Hermione says as she points to the other direction. Truth to be told Hermione didn't really need a book from that side. She just made up that because she didn't know what to do with her semi-crush in front of her.
"Oh, didn't mean to interfere with your studying," Cedric responded back. " Um...Granger right?"
"It's Hermione Granger for your information. I remember you," of course she knew who he was, she liked him. "Cedric Diggory right?"
", that's correct," Cedric said in a very hesitant way. "Comparing we met during Quiditch World Cup I would assume you remember me."
"I definitely do. It wasn't hard to identify you" Hermione said back.
"Wasn't hard to identify you once I saw your face," Cedric responded to Hermione. "It's easy to know who you are once someone sees your face."
"Yeah?" Hermione said in a awkward way.
Hermione still had that thought of what happened that day. Cedric had the same thought but no one said a word about the thing that happened that day.
Awkwardly they both just stood there in silence. Nothing in mind to talk about or anything else. Just two awkward students standing in a library.
" shall be going now if you don't mind" Hermione said after 2 minutes of awkward silence. "Will definitely see you around Diggory."
"Yeah I should get going also now. I will see you around also Granger" Cedric said back.
Cedric ended up going back to the Hufflepuff common room to plan something out that only he knows what's gonna, hopefully, happen. Hermione got her books she need and ran to her common room to get her studying going. Cedric got parchment and wrote down, with a quill, "Plan A for G." Hermione had in her mind about the event that happened with her and Cedric.

Summary: Cedric and Hermione met again at the library. Cedric and a plan for something. What will he do? What is Hermione gonna do?

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