Chapter 22: The Third Task

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A/N: Most of this is going to be in Cedric's POV because he's a champion. That's all I have to say. Also there will be no monsters in the maze. Don't leave! I'm not adding them because I want to get this story one quickly so I'm sorry

Cedric and Hermione decided before the final task, they would hang out together for a bit. Cedric took her to a place near the place where the third task was taking place. Under the bleachers. The bleachers. He took her to Hogsmade, Hufflepuff common room, his dorm and the Room of Requirement and she took her under the bleachers. It was a bad place but at least no one can interrupt them. It didn't matter. No student, no champion, no staff, no parent guests especially Cedric's.

"So why are we under here?" Hermione asked. "There's not a lot of room or space."

"You always can state the facts can you Hermione" Cedric replied. "I brought you here because it's private, well I can think of other places that are private but this one is closest to the next task and I can't be late."

"Well at least I'm with you. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you. But seriously was this last minute or something?"

"Is Hermione questioning my ideas? I wouldn't want to be with anyone else by you."

   "You took me to great places and snuck me into a place I shouldn't be and now we're sneaking out under the bleachers."

   "You go the library everyday."

   "At least there's peace, actually there wasn't or a long period of time."

   "Yeah in December. Not my fault people are weird."

   "You do have weird friends."

   "You do too."

"I met your mother yesterday" Hermione decided to bring up. "We ran into each other when I had to go to the bathroom."

"Oh yeah, what do you think about her?" He asked her hoping she would say positive things.

"You write about me to your parents? Your mom loves me from what you said about me."

"Yes I do. I have been since I met you. I wanted hem to know all about you. A beautiful and smart girl that I love. You didn't mind, right?"

"Well first of all I never knew until your mother told me. Also you parents seem nice."

"Thanks. They would love it if you could spend would come over for a weekend in the summer. We have a spare bedroom for you to use. We don't live far and it's quiet there. Ok I don't know here you I've but we don't live far from Kings Cross."

Hermione hesitated before she answered, "Yes! I would love to come to your place. I would love to do something for the summer. All I do is listen to what happen to my parents for the past 9 months."

"Great. I would love it. My parents would love it too." Cedric said happily. "I love you Hermione. I can't stop telling you." He said as he picked up her left hand with his right hand and stroked her skin with his thumb. "I hope you never forget that."

"And I hope you will never forget me. I love you too. I can't not stop loving you. I don't know how I started loving you."

"I'll never forget you Hermione Granger. It's impossible for me to. You made this year better than ever. I love you."

Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him in for a kiss that was mainly all they wanted to do. Lips were licked and tongues were touched. The best kiss anyone would want. Cedric pulled away after a bit.

"I think we should get going now." Cedric said. "The final task starts in less than an hour and I promised my parents I would see them before it started."

"Oh, ok. I'll see you then."

They both went off in their own direction.

   The time of the Third Task came up. Who will win? That's what we have to find out. Viktor, Fleur, Cedric and Harry were all ready. Most of them were. Cedric and Hermione did say one last goodbye before he went into the maze. He was able to say goodbye to both of his parents.

   When Flitch sounded the cannon, to early again, it was time. Both Cedric and Harry entered the maze. Both freaking out on the inside but chill on the outside.

    For what felt like hours was only a couple of minutes. A couple of times Cedric nearly got taken out by a hedge, twice.

   Cedric turned to see a champion who he thought he knew nearly take him out, and Harry. After Cedric took Viktor out, he ran and kicked his wand out of his hand. Harry tried to hold him back and tell him that Viktor was bewitched. Nope, Cedric didn't listen to Harry right away. Since Fleur got taken out earlier, it was only Cedric and Harry left. Both were running to the blue light. The light of the Triwizard Cup! Both Cedric and Harry fought and ran to the cup. They continued running until the hedge got Cedric. Harry stopped to see the boy being "attacked" by branches. After about a minute or so, Harry freed Cedric from the beaches. They both got up to catch a breath or two.

   "You alright?" Harry asked.

   "Yeah." Cedric responded. "Some game isn't it?"

   "Some game."

   Right after Harry said that, the wind started picking up and the hedges started to close in. Cedric and Harry both ran to the cup. They both hesitated to who should take the cup.

   "You should take it." Harry said. "You're the real champion."

   Cedric stared at the cup. The wind started picking up more.

   "Stop being modest and take the cup!" Harry yelled.

   "But you saved me." Cedric said back.

   "How about we take it together?"


   "One! Two! Three!" They both said as they grabbed the cup together.

   The Triwizard Cup took Cedric and Harry to...To Be Continued

A/N: Happy New Year everyone! First chapter of 2018. I promise this story will end very soon. That's all I have to say. Thanks for 10K reads and 200+ votes! Hope you like the story:-)

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now