Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls

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6:00 Saturday morning came up and both Cedric and Hermione woke up at the same time.

"Morning Hermione." He said.

"Morning Cedric." She responded.

"Morning Diggory, Morning Granger." The voice from someone said.

Both students jumped in shock to see Luna sitting on the foot of the bed.

"Oh my Merlin! Luna, what are you doing here?" Cedric asked. "We really need to add a bell to you real soon."

"Well, I was sleepwalking then I ran into a wall. After that of course I woke up. I heard Ms. Norris come around the corner so I went here because the entrance was right near me. Of course, I didn't expect to see you two and a pile of clothes right there." Luna pointed at. "Those are yours correct?"

"Yes they are ours." Hermione said. "Can you pass them to us."

Luna walked towards both piles and walked to the bed. She gave the piles of clothing to them.

"Don't worry, I won't look." Luna said as she turned to stare at a wall. "Go ahead."

Cedric and Hermione quickly got back in their outfits from last night. Their minds would never stop think of what happened last night.

"So Luna, how have you been?" Cedric asked her.

"I've been fine. This bed is really nice. Which one wanted this?" She asked them both.

"Cedric did." Hermione said before staring at him. "You did correct?"

"Yeah." He responded back.

"Well, I guess we all should get going, it's only Saturday but I still have lots to do today. I just need to get it done." Luna said as she twirled her long white blonde hair in her fingers.

"Luna's right." Cedric said to Hermione. "We should go now."

"Well...I'll see you two around." Luna said before skipping out.

"Bye Cedric." Hermione said.

"Bye Hermione." Cedric responded back to her.

All three students went their own way back to their common rooms. Cedric down to the Hufflepuff basement near the kitchens. Luna up to the Ravenclaw tower on the other side of the school. Hermione up to the Gryffindor tower not to far from the Room of Requirement.
Hermione was of course in the library like always. She was with Ron because Harry had something with Professor Moody.

""The four founders of Hogwarts had to make the hardest decision for them. Where to place the students in each house."" Hermione read. ""Godric Gryffindor put his students up high in the highest tower to represent their bravery." Hey, Ron." She snapped. "Are you hearing this."

"Mione, you know I probably stopped listening to you when you said "the" you know that." Ron responded. "Come on, we've already did Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, Potions and Charms. I was able to get Divination done. You were able to finish DADA reading for next week done. I think we're fine."

"Ron, we have so much to do in such short little of time."

"It's nearly becoming lunch which means chicken so, yeah."

"You always think about chicken. Out of anything, it's chicken!"

"Mione, listen we can make a simple deal."

"How simple?"

"Listen, I'll finish Monday's reading for DADA and we can both get all of the homework for Astronomy done but if only you'll sit with Harry and I for lunch and dinner today." He paused before speaking. "I miss talking with you. You've been with Ginny and all that fun stuff. We're here still."

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now