Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You

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Ever since Ron found out about Cedric and Hermione, he became more of a hawk to Hermione. Hermione could tell Ron wanted their friendship to not end. Harry was the one in the group who didn't care about his friends love life. As long as Harry had his friends there for them that all that mattered to him.
Days went by still. The good old days changed as the year went on. Hermione didn't really talk to Cedric much. Rita Skeeter was always at Hogsmade when Hermione went so she was always doing something. Hermione was hoping she wouldn't effect her second date with Cedric. With Hermione trying to help Harry with the egg, it took up some time. Even though she was considered "dating" with Cedric, she couldn't let that effect her and her studies.
Hermione was in the library, again, this time hoping to crack down the egg. She also hoped to see Cedric. It's was the best time for him to come as there was no distractions in the library especially Pansy Parkinson. When she saw a Hufflepuff enter, she quickly took action.
"Hello." Hermione said.
But it wasn't Cedric who fully entered the library. It was someone else who entered. It was another boy who looked the same age as Cedric. He looked shorter than Cedric by a couple of inches. Blonde brownish hair color with green eyes.
"Oh, sorry. I wasn't expecting you." Hermione said to the boy.
"You were expecting Cedric Diggory correct?" The boy said to her.
"Well who are you?" Hermione asked straight forward.
"The name is Miezer, Lukas Miezer. Best friend of Diggory, Hufflepuff Quiditch Chaser for 3 years now, not counting this year, girl magnet for 6 years now and before you ask, I'm taken and so are you Granger." Lukas said to Hermione while shaking her hand.
"Ok, only needed the name but thanks for the extra information about you." Hermione said. "Is there a reason you are here?"
"Well I know Ced always went here. I guessed I could find you here."
"Why me?"
"You remember that first date you went on?"
"Of course, I remember. It was one of the most lovely night I have had here."
"Yeah...well...did you think Diggory thought of that idea? I helped him"
"Well I only helped with note part. He planned that day and I found out what he had been doing. He didn't now how to ask you out so I said for him to write a note to you. I had to write it just to look like he didn't write it. It couldn't be easy to tell who wrote it."
"Oh good you didn't make him date me. He did it thank the lord." Hermione said relieved. "Wait is there more I don't know?"
"You have the question, now figure out the answer."
"Ok then where would I find him?"
"He should be at the Black Lake. He left a bit to go there a few minutes ago."
"Are you sure he has more to tell me? Because I'm not wasting some good reading for this! You know what I'm reading right now?"
"Yeah I sure of it and I won't interrupt your reading anymore."
Hermione ran from the library to the Black Lake. Getting there was easy since barely anyone was out and about. She went to the tree where she met him again during school a while ago. Once she got there, she saw him sitting there near the tree, she walked up to him.
"Hey." She said.
"Hey Hermione." Cedric responded back. "How have you been?"
"Alright, you?"
"I'm good, I know you were coming."
"Well one, Lukas told me he would get you and two...there is no two. Why did you come anyway?"
"Cause I want to know more about what you think about me. Your friend said about something with you. He's really talkative and informative."
"Let's just say, when I first saw you, I thought the word beauty."
"Beauty? Why did that come to your mind when you first saw me?"
"I didn't know you when I first saw you, Hermione. I thought you as a brown haired girl who was really smart and someone I wanted to know a bit about."
"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you a question but our talks have drifted off into weird subjects. Some I done even know how we get there."
"Um...yeah go ahead. What is it?" Cedric asked.
"Remember World Cup where I came to, or near, the port key and you were there?"
"Yeah, it feels like it was yesterday."
"Question one, why did you not let me go out to find my friends?"
"That's an easy question, I didn't want to you to get hurt. You are small compared to the big crowd. Like a word in a book, so many words can create something big. It can be really good or just horrible."
"Well that's good to know. It's was good that some one noticed me at least. Ok, another one is why did you kiss me?" Hermione asked Cedric.
"You mean like this?"
Right after Cedric said that, he leaned in and kissed her. Hermione was shocked as she just had her fourth kiss with the same person. Cedric smiled and Hermione did the same. All was peaceful until one must interrupt them. This time it wasn't a student or friend.
"Hey professor." Cedric said awkwardly.
"Do you need anything professor?" Hermione asked.
"Well let's just say l won't tell anyone about you guys kissing here or anything.
"Thank you Professor Moody.
Hermione said relieved.
"Diggory, follow me." Moody said.
Cedric got up and followed Professor Moody away from the tree. Moody looked around to make sure no one was watching them.
"So, have you found the clue?" He asked.
"For the egg?" Cedric asked back.
"Yes the egg."
"No sir."
"Ok you didn't hear this from me but...take a bath with your egg."
"Do what?"
"Take your egg and bathe with it. Do it Diggory. It's not that hard and it's helpful."
"Um...ok?" Cedric responded back very confused of what he was just told.
"Good, now go tell your friends or something."

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now