Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day

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So from now on. It's going to be every other week a chapter will be posted. I have school starting soon. I'll try to continue writing when I have the time to. Please enjoy and comment your opinions.

"Ginny" Hermione said entering the Gryffindor common room. "Come over here."

Ginny then sat up from Hermione's demand and walked towards her quickly.

"What do you need?" Ginny asked not to concerned.

"Cedric just...he just."

"He did what?"

"He...asked me on a date. An actual date." Hermione whispered.

Ginny grabbed her wrists with a soft grip up to her dormitory. No one did ask them what they were doing. They just saw two girls go to their dorms. Ginny shut the door once they were in Hermione's dorm.

"Ok when, where and what are you wearing?" Ginny asked.

"It's tonight at the Three Broomsticks, and I only have two short dresses to choose from."

"What color?"

"One pink and one yellow."

"Ok, do the one you want to do and I'll do the rest."

"You've never been on a date before have you Ginny?"

"I did with Neville for a lunch date. It counts."

"Ok we only have three hours so let's get going."

Hermione and Ginny got prepared for the date for the next couple of hours. No one did question or disturb them. They just did their own thing."
Cedric was in the Hufflepuff dorm getting ready for his date which was only in 30 minutes. Buttoning his last button to his white shirt. He only had simple nice black pants and simple black shoes on.

"Ced, what are you doing and what's with the nice clothing?" Lukas asked when he entered his dorm.

"Date with Hermione."

"Why did you not say anything?"

"Did I need to?"

" would have been nice to know just because."

"I asked her this morning."

"Oh, ok. Going simple."

"It's not simple. To me it's not simple. To you it's so easy. To me, it's not easy."

"What are you saying?" Lukas asked.

"I've never said this before." Cedric paused before continuing. "I'm not like you."

"I know your not, what's the point?"

"I know sometimes you think I'm simple in dates but to me, dating isn't easy as pie like it is to you. I've never got to this point with anyone. I haven't had many girls in my life. I know you had Elizabeth, Katrina, Willow, Allison and Ellie but I've only had Gemma and Cho. You probably have got so far with Lynzie because she the only girl who lasted more than a semester."

"I haven't gotten that far with Lynzie."

"You don't know what I did."

"I do. She's all yours. I'm surprised I'm in tact still. You are to right?"

Cedric just looked at his best friend. He couldn't say anything.

"You're not a virgin anymore?"

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now