Everyone gets out of their seats and file out the class. I wait for Jay outside the door. She comes out first.
"So how was your first class?" Jay asks.
"What do you know about Andrew?" I say, walking ahead of her, looking for him.
"You mean Andrew Jacques Smith? You mean the guy in your Biology class? You mean my best friend since first grade? You mean the guy standing right next to me?"
I turn around and see him standing next to her. I stand there embarrassed and look at the two of them. They both laugh.
"Hey AJ, I think my friend has a little crush on you," Jay teases.
"Oh shut up, Jay," I chuckle.
"Aw it's alright, Marcy, I might like you too. Even if you are Jay's 'friend'," AJ tells me.
Jay punches AJ in the arm, and blushes. Suspicious.
"Uh 'Marcy?' No one calls me that," I complain.
"Well I do," AJ replies.
He winks at me again. He's so flirty, Jay and him probably have a thing though, maybe I should just back off...? AJ puts his arm around Jay. Yup definitely dating. Kind of a bummer. Oh well. I head to my next class alone, since AJ and Jay have the same class together. Honestly, Literature was a fucking bore, and I didn't really pay attention. I was just waiting for lunch. The bell rings and I rush to the cafeteria. I find Jay and AJ already sitting down and laughing. I sit down with them. They're both eating burgers and fries.
"Do you want some?" Jay offers.
"Uh...no I'm fine," I mutter.
AJ gives me his half eaten burger.
"C'mon you need to eat," he says.
I take a bite. I haven't had a burger in so long. I devour the whole thing.
"See you were hungry," they both tell me.
"I'm gonna head to band now," Jayla announces, "don't have too much fun..."
Jayla laughs and walks off. I blush and look at AJ.
"I want to show you something," AJ tells me.
"Don't we have to get to class?" I worry.
"Oh come on. Don't be a bummer."
He reaches out for my hand. I grab his and he runs me to the back of the school, where there's a little pond. We sit down and start talking.

Love is Pain
RomanceA troubled girl finds herself with many problems when she moves to a new high school. Boyfriends, girlfriends, family, grades, depression... But the real problem isn't the new ones...it's the ones she's trying to hide in her past. Read to find out h...