Marceline's P.O.V.
It's been a week since Elexa came back. I've been avoiding AJ, and just have been hanging out with Jay. It was like she didn't want to leave me alone. I'm not sure why, but there's a reason.
I thought AJ was my "meant to be". I swear, I really wish my life really would be like a cliche movie. But no.
I cut everyday now. Scars scatter my arms. Everyday I'm thinking, I don't belong here. My life is shit. I just want to die already. Why can't I? Please. Well that's just life, now isn't it?Today was Tuesday. The day of the rivalry basketball game, between the Riverside Cougars and the Rancho Cowboys. I didn't want to go. But it was either that, or go to Jay's house...and well I don't think I want to be in the same room with her, where there's a bed and a door that can lock. So she was pretty much dragging me to watch AJ and Brandon play... Brandon. Oh how bad I want to kick his ass. But I'm not trying to get in trouble again so...that's that.
Thankfully Mel was going to the game. We haven't met up in a while, and I really missed her. It's a home game, but of course a lot of Rancho High students are still coming. I can already imagine the comments. "Hey! It's the Donny Exposer!" "Look, it's that girl that exposed Brandon! That hoe!"
Ugh, screw Rancho High. But, I still wanted to look good. Make all those assholes realize they're missing out on Marceline Dales.
Riverside's school colors are maroon, gold, and white. I chose out white high-waisted jeans, a yellow halter top, a red leather jacket, golden hoops, bangles, and red high top Vans. I tie my hair into a high ponytail, and do my makeup. No eyeshadow, but a bold wing, and dark red lips. I make my way to school.
Since I've been avoiding AJ, I convince Ms.Rose to move my seat to the back. Elexa had to have a seat anyways, so she sits next to AJ. I sit next to Ty now, and he's actually pretty cool. I've been hanging out with Ty and Jay a lot more often. Ty's friends are do I put this...ghetto. But they're still fun to hang out with.
The school day went through really fast. Avoided AJ and Elexa, did my classwork, hung out with Ty and Jay. Pretty much it. Classes were finally over.
Usually the freshman would play first, but the school organized it so that the freshman and JV would play Monday (yesterday), and then Varsity would be the main event today.
I sit in the front row of the bleachers with Jay, Ty, and one of his friends, Matt. I watch as Elexa gives AJ a good luck kiss and he heads into the locker room. Ugh. I really wish it was me giving him that kiss. I miss AJ. Jay noticed too, and then she looks at me with concern. I smile at her. Crap. No. You need to get over AJ. He has a family to take care of. He'll never be yours. I almost cry at the thought.
Elexa was wearing a white pencil skirt, a maroon v-neck velvet crop tank, and a yellow kimono. Her hair was in the most perfect bun ever, and as always, she wore heavy makeup and a whole ton of jewelry. Guess she decided to dress in school spirit, too... But seriously? Who wears a kimono and a skirt in Winter? And why five inch stilettos to a basketball game? Not my problem. But seriously, she still looks good. The velvet tank compliments the skirt, and that shade of yellow makes her skin glow. Don't get me started on that bun. Not a single hair out of place. Oh my god, Marceline... I can't believe I'm obsessing over Elexa's perfectness. But no wonder AJ would rather be with her and not me...
She walks towards us, as her heels click against the wooden floor. What does she want now?
"Omg! Ty, Jay, Matt! Long time no see!" she squeals with a smile.
How are her teeth so perfect? Well actually, how is she so perfect?
"Isn't that a good thing?" Jay says with a pout.
"Ugh. Jay. Still mad about AJ? You know how it is. He loves me, not you. Do you understand now?" Elexa replied with a smirk.
"Listen up 'Queen Bee'. I don't give a fuck that you took AJ away from me. I could care less. So just shut up, before I shove those damn stilettos up your asshole," Jay stood up, and got in her face.
"Bitch. Try me. If you even say one mean thing to me from this point on, everyone will hate you. Because everyone loves me," Elexa muttered as she bat her eyelashes.
Why the hell does she keep batting her eyelashes? They're so long and perfect... Ugh, she's so perfect that it's hard to get mad at her... That's annoying as fuck. She better freakin' stop before I rip her eyelashes out.
"We don't," Ty and Matt mumble in symphony.
"Oh shut up," Elexa said, and then turned around and walked away.
Thank the lord she's gone.
Just then, Rancho High players start to file in. I get up and start walking over to them. Jay follows me. I see Brandon, and push him against the wall.
"Ah, sweetheart. Did ya miss me? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around. Let me abuse you, baby," Brandon (Donny) teases.
"I've had enough of your crap, Donny," I whisper to him.
"I see you cleaned up. No more band t-shirts and shit? Still cutting though?" Donny asked.
He managed to get my hand off his shoulder, and pulled up one of sleeves.
"Oh, they're fresh cuts," he said under his breath.
I tried to move my arm. But he grasped it hard. He ran his fingernail along my arm, fast and hard. Some of the cuts started to bleed.
"CRAP! WHAT THE FUCK, BRANDON!" I yelled at him.
My arm hurt like hell. I pulled down my sleeve quickly. I couldn't believe he did that. I put my other arm back to swing at him, but then he interrupted me.
"You don't wanna do that, Mari. My dad is here. If he sees anyone hurt me, you can easily be kicked out of Riverside as well," he stated with a smirk.
"I hate you so much," I whispered.
"Missed you, too, Scars," Brandon yelled back as he walked into the locker room.
A chill went up my spine. He hasn't called me Scars since... I shiver at the thought. I can't believe him. I turned around, and of course Jay was standing there, shocked. Oh great.
"Why have you been so protective lately? I can't go anymore without you following," I sighed.
"I know what Brandon did to you."
"What? How? Who the fuck told you?"
"Uh...that's not important. But I don't want him to hurt you. Alright? I care about you too much for him to do anything to you."
"I don't care if you care about me! This isn't your problem. I can handle this damn shit on my own. So would ya just back off?"
I stomp outside the gym angrily. I want to leave. Now.
Someone grabs my arm.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
It was AJ.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready or some shit?" I say, and I begin to tear up.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong...?"
"I'm alone now. That's what's wrong."
"I'm sorry about Elexa, but you don't understand. But please stay for the game. I need you here."
He needs me...? No, Marceline. Don't let him play with your head.
"Yes I do understand. It's alright. Just go focus on your game."
I start to clean up my tears. And he walks back towards the door to the gym.
"You sure you'll be alright?"
"I'll be fine. Just go focus on your game. Go focus on Elliot. Whatever."
" do you know about Elliot?"
He looked scared. Crap. Shouldn't have said his name. I didn't know what to do. But my body started doing all the work. I walk towards him. AH!!! WHY WOULD YOU KISS HIM?!? He looked as shocked as me.
"It's alright. Your son is important. Now go."
I push him into the gym, and he runs back to the locker room. I go back to Ty, Jay, and Matt, and sit with them. Jay stays quiet.
"Why the fuck are y'all so quiet? Usually, y'all blabbing your asses off," Ty chuckled.
That's true.
"Jay, honestly, why do you freaking care?" I asked in a mad tone.
"Cause I do! You're my friend! Friends don't let each other get hurt!" She yelled.
"Bruh, what the fuck did we miss?" Matt whispered to Ty.
Maybe Jay is right. I know I'm mad at her, but she was only trying to protect me.AJ's P.O.V.
She kissed me...she really kissed me...WAIT. How does she know about Elexa and Elliot? Ugh. I still love Marcy, don't I? I see the Rancho Cowboy players come out of their locker room. Brandon was grinning his ass off. I grabbed him by the arm.
"Why the hell do you think you can hurt Marci like that?" I grunt at him.
"Why do ya guys keep on calling Mari, 'Marcy'? It's probably a Riverside thing, isn't it?"His brunette hair was in a perfect combover. He had blue eyes, and peach skin. I've never noticed Brandon except for when I guarded him last year, when we played them. But when Marcy told me about Brandon, then he never left my brain. I wanted to hurt him. More than he has ever hurt Marcy.
Wait...why do I want to hurt him...? It's Marceline's problem. I don't love Marcy. I can't. Elexa and Elliot need me. Ugh. Why do things have to be like this?Suddenly Coach Grant pulled me off Brandon.
"What the heck do you think you're doing? You're lucky this your first warning, AJ. Or else you wouldn't be starting. So stop acting like a little kid, and get your hands off the other team!"
He pushes into our other players and they all caught me.
"It's alright, AJ. Don't let Brandon get to your head," said one my teammates, Grey.I'm not sure why his parents named him after a color, but it was their decision. Grey and I were probably the best players on the team. So was Ty, but Coach kicked him off the team for having attitude.
We are lined up near the door connecting the locker rooms and gym. The Rancho players head out, running to far end of the court. The speaker turns on.
I look over at Marcy and Jay, as we're warming up. I winked. They didn't look at each other, but they both look scared. Jay gave me a death stare. Let the games begin, Jay. Let the games begin.
A/N:Early publish for ya guys ;)
Next update will be next Friday or Saturday.

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