Lies aren't secrets. But are secrets lies?
Classes zipped by fast. Before I know it, it's lunch and free period. I sat down at a table alone and got lost in my texts.
To Brandon:
Wtf do you want? They told you to leave me alone. So then I would leave you alone. Just back off.To Mel:
Alright so this 1 girl liked...and she kinda um "treated me"
BUT I DONT LIKE HER...I like this other guy...and we kinda did it...Mel texts back.
Mel: OMG...make sure he's not like Donny...
Mari: I heard they let him back into school
Mari: True.
Mel: Soooo...about ur little boyfriend ;)
Mari: MEL SHUT UP >_<
Mari: His name is AJ...
Mel: lol Mari well make sure AJ is a good guy, I'll ttyl, freakin Mr.Hall is yelling at me for using my phone during class. BYEEEEE MARI
Mari: Bye."So I'm your little boyfriend," chuckles a voice behind me. I turned around and blushed hella hard. AJ smiles at me.
"I wouldn't mind that," I flirt.
He bit his lip. Crap he's hot. I move the hairs out of his face and kiss him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jay. I pulled away from his lips, and Jay ran out of the cafeteria.
"Hey, I love you," AJ whispers into my ear.
"I love you, too."
He looks me in the eye and smiles at me, "Do you want to come over for dinner on Friday? My parents...they want to meet you. And I want you to meet them, too. But hey, don't worry. There'll be food. My dad does makes a killer roast beef."
He laughs. He wants me to meet his family? Woah. What are they going to think of me? I'm dumb...don't say yes... you know how weird that would be to meet his parents? Shit...if I say no it'll hurt his feelings... and I don't want to lose another friend. Plus I really love AJ. I want to be with him. Looks like I have to...
"Sure. Why not? I mean...we do need to get to know each other better... plus I like me some meat," I laughed.
We both started to laugh and he pulled me closer. Right then he picked up my left arm and saw something.
SHIT THE MAKEUP RUBBED OFF. I realize how many cuts were on my arm. AJ looks at me in horror. I thought he thought I was a freak. I began to cry. Crap no...I'm so dumb. I hate my life. Why does everything have to NOT go my way? My mascara ran down my cheeks. AJ looked at me for a while, but then he picked me, and put me on his lap.
He hugged me tight and whispered, "Don't cry. It's alright. I'm here."_____________
AAAWWWWW AJ IS SUCH A SWEETHEART. I mean I did create him. How sweeeeeeet.
Comment #Jarceline if you ship them, or #Andreline if you ship those two.
Lowkey short again. That last chapter was long COZ DAT CHAPTER WAS KINDA LIKE A GIFT YAAAY.
I've been posting more than one chapter a day. So for now I'm gonna have them prewritten, and then I'll do an update once a day, or maybe an update every two days. IDK. Next chapter is coming out on Saturday afternoon.

Love is Pain
RomanceA troubled girl finds herself with many problems when she moves to a new high school. Boyfriends, girlfriends, family, grades, depression... But the real problem isn't the new's the ones she's trying to hide in her past. Read to find out h...