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I sat there on my cold bed wishing the pain would stop. I clenched my stomach more hoping it would help, but like always, it failed.

"Hey hon how ya doing" Maggie said as she leaned against the cell door.

"Could be better I guess" Maggie and Beth were the only two I could talk to about this kind of crap.

"Just hang in there I know how it feels" she said giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I got to go hon I'm in watch next see you at dinner" she said as she walked away. I wouldn't see her at dinner thou, because well I have skipped a lot of dinner only getting up in the middle of the night to eat left overs, I did it so that Glenn, Daryl, Rick, and of course Carl wouldn't big the crap out of me like they always did to Beth and Maggie.

"Hey stranger" I looked up to see Beth standing in the door way AGAIN.

"Hi Beth, yes I'm fine just cramps" I said knowing what she was going to ask next.

"That's good, that means you can take Judith while I go and walk because I have been cooped up here for several hours now with this cute, yet boring baby" she chuckled as she handed me little baby Judith.

"Okay no problem" I said as I bounced her up and down in my knee making the most dumb faces trying to get her to laugh.

An hour passed and Judith was now fed and wrapped in my sweater peacefully sleeping in her crib down the hall. She took my mind off the cramps but no they were back and I was curled up on my bed in the same position I was an hour ago.

"Hey babe" Carl entered the cell.

"Hey" I said standing up quickly trying to make it seem a little less noticeable.

"You okay" he asked.

"Ya I'm all good" I said smiling bringing him into a hug.

"Okay well I'm going on a supply run with Daryl and my dad do you need anything"

"No I'm all good" I said sitting back down on the bed trying not to clench my stomach again.

"Okay well I'll see you when I get back then" he said kissing me on the lips sending a warm feeling through my body making me forget about the cramps.

"Okay be safe" I whispered as I heard voices coming down the hall.

"Always" he said kissing me again on the lips and then the forehead.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you to" he said just as we heard snickering.

"Come on Carl you can leave her for an hour or so" Daryl snickered.

"Come on son" Rick took him out of the cell and lead him out into the hall.

"Bye Y/N" all the guys said in a girly voice as they left.

It had been a couple hours and I was getting worried that they wernt all back. I had gone down and actually eaten something since they were all gone.

I went back up to bed it must have been around 9:00pm now and I wanted to cuddle with Carl but he wasn't back.

"Hey baby" Carl entered the room causing me to jump up and into his arms.

"Hey" I said as I hugged him tighter. My hormones were all wonky and I wanted attention badly.

"You miss me" he chuckled

"Yes I did now come cuddle with me I missed you" I said dragging him the bed as he kicked off his boots.

"Here I got you something" Carl went over to his duffle bag and brought out two Choclate bars.

"Oh my gosh I love you" I said opening up one of the bars and biting into one as he opened the other.

"Wait how did you know I was on m...." I asked confused.

"Maggie said you could use some Choclate plus you have been in your room for the past 4 days so I could tell" he said taking his hat off and placing it onto my head.

"It's that noticeable" I said feeling embarrassed luckily the hat covered my face so Carl couldn't see.

"Don't be embarrassed baby it's normal" he said kissing my lips.

"I love you" I said bringing him down on the bed as he took his shirt off getting into something more comfortable.

"I love you to" he said grabbing my waiste and pulling me into his body. I cuddled with him as he rubbed my stomach and played with my hair. I fell asleep easily for the first time in 3 days.

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