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"Hey Carl we have a new person coming in today Daryl said they should be arriving soon he contacted me on the walkie talkie say's she's quite a girl she's around your age and it would be nice if you could show her around" My dad greeted me in the kitchen as he ate his bowl of cereal.

"Sure no problem. But what do you mean she's quite a girl because if she's around my age then Daryl just sounds creepy" we both chuckled.

"no, no not like that, he say's that she took out 20 walkers by herself he say's she's a sharp shooter and is good with a knife, she seems like she can handle herself out there" he said.

"Okay well I'll show her around when she get's here" I said grabbing an apple then making my way out of the kitchen and outside.


About 15 minutes later Daryl arrived with Glenn Maggie and the new girl. At first, I only saw the back of her, her long H/C hair was beautiful but what really caught my attention was when she turned around, she was beautiful her blue eye's sparkled in the sunlight and her face was tanned from being in the sun, she was absolutely gorgeous.

Maggie nudged her shoulder and looked over to me pointing in my direction I made my way over to her and Maggie.

"This is Carl he will show you around Alexandria a bit" Maggie said.

"hi" I responded as she gave me a soft smile that lit up the world.

"Hi I'm Y/N" She said.

"Carl, as you already know" We both chuckled and Maggie gave a small smile and wiggled her eyebrows I rolled my eyes as we walked off.

"This place looks...well safe" She said looking around at the walls.

"It's about as safe as we can get" I chuckled.

"I never thought I would see houses and people dressed and acting normally" she chuckled.

"I thought the same thing a couple months ago" I said staring into her blue eyes as she made eye contact with me smiling.


Y/N P.O.V:

Carl and I had gotten along pretty well over the past few months we became best friends and were practically inseparable, Maggie and Glenn had grown really close to me to they were like my parents now they always were there for me no matter what. And I must admit I had a few feelings for Carl, ever since I met him I found him interesting and amazing, he was sweet kind, and most of all he was one of the few people that could make me laugh and smile.

"Hey Y/N/N (Nickname)" Carl had come up with cute nicknames for me that made me laugh.

"Hey sheriff" That was my nickname for him ever since we met.

"you want to go to our spot hang out for a bit" he asked.

"Sure I would love that, plus I may or may not have picked up a few of these of my last run" I said pulling out some old comics I found that I was sure Carl had never read.

"No way how did you now which one's I haven't read" His eyes lit up like a little boy on Christmas.

"I know you pretty well sheriff" I chuckled.

"well looks like I know you pretty well too because..." he looked around in his duffle bag then pulled out a new book for me.

"no way I can't believe you found it" I smiled at the new book I had been wanting for ages.

"Come on let's go" He grabbed my hand as we both ran towards our small spot under a tree where we hung out.

"Y/n can I tell you something" Carl said breaking the silence.

"Sure" I said putting down the book and keeping my page open so I didn't lose it.

"I like you a lot" he blurted out which made me fling my book across the grass in shock.

"whoa wait what" I said.

"Ugh crap" he blushed.

"I'm so sorry I do not know why that was my instinct to just throw a book" I said picking up the book.

"I'm shouldn't have said anything" Carl blushed

"No, no I'm glad you did because I like you to" i smiled.

"really" he seemed shocked.

"ya really" i smiled and chuckled as he leaned in and kissed me.

"I have been waiting forever to do that" he smiled.

"me to" I said while bringing him in for another kiss.

"Ha I knew you two were going to get together" Glenn's voice broke the silence and sent both Carl and I jump from the sudden noise.

"Oh god Glenn don't scare us like that" I said throwing a rock that was on the ground at him.

"ow okay jeez I'll leave you two alone" he chuckled.

We both chuckled after he left and resumed kissing and reading our books....but mostly kissing.

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