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It's been around 3 months since Y/N lost her father Glenn to Negan. She hasn't been herself since then. She's been distant and acting like a completely different person altogether.

"Hey baby," I said entering our shared room.

"Hey," She said quietly reading her book. I sat next to her on the bed.

"You want to go for a walk today outside the walls, go to our secret place," I asked hopeful that we could spend time together.

"I think I'm just going to stay in and read I'm not feeling overly well today" she mumbled. I sighed and got up from the bed going to the bathroom and slamming the door shut.
Y/N P.O.V:
Carl slammed the door causing me to jump and sigh. He came out of the bathroom and he seemed pissed.

"What's got you in a mood," I asked in a sassy tone not taking my eyes off the book.

"You" he mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse me," I said looking up from my book.

"I said you are!" He raised his voice. "You haven't been yourself lately, we barely talk anymore, I don't even feel like we are in a relationship anymore!" He yelled. At this point, I snapped.

"I lost my father Carl, of course, I'm going to be different Glenn was my father and a huge part of this group! Maggie isn't even here to help me she is at the HillTop with her own crap! Daryl is kidnaped and you could have gotten yourself killed jumping in the back of that truck! This hasn't been easy Carl it's been 3 fucking months!" I yelled.

"I just feel like you never talk to me about your problems I feel like this is a one-sided relationship, you haven't even cried you have just sat there reading those stupid books not even caring about the world around you," he yelled. I slammed the book I was reading down on the nightstand and stood up walking over to him.

"It's been 3 months Carl, I get it okay other shit is going on around us but I have been trying to cope with it! And yes we haven't talked a lot but if you would take the time to just sit next to me and read a book as well then maybe I would! But you have been completely ignoring me! I get it your busy but don't blame this all on me! Cause I have shit going on to just like you!" I said in an intimidating voice grabbing my gun and storming out. I ran over to the wall where I quickly climbed up it and out of Alexandria where I could finally breathe. I couldn't take this anymore I couldn't take losing my father the only person who I felt actually loved me in this crap life, Maggie was gone I didn't even know how the baby was doing, and I couldn't take this shit world anymore, it just all seemed too much and I was afraid to open up to Carl, I was afraid of how he would react. 

I walked and walked trying to gather my thoughts. It felt like hours until I finally got to Carl and I's secret spot in the old treehouse that was built on top of a high tree. I climbed up the ladder that was now being eaten by the bark of the tree becoming part of the tree itself. I pulled myself up the last few steps and sat down once I got to the top unlocking the door Carl and I had ut on there. Unhooking the key off the gold chain hanging around my neck. My initials carved on them, Carl had another key with his carved on the key he had, it was the only two that existed so we were the only two that could get up here. looking around remembering all of the good memories Carl and I had up here. The polaroid pictures of us hung out around fairy lights that didn't turn on because there was no outlet. Ones of us kissing and cuddling and acting goofy. The blankets and comic books scattered around the back corner where we spent many nights sleeping and reading stories. And our initials marked inside a heart with the date of the day we got together. I smiled grabbing one of the pictures off the wall and staring down at it. Tears filling my eyes as they spilled down my cheeks. I heard the door unlocking. I didn't bother moving, I knew it was Carl. The door opened and I heard him sigh. My back was to the door as I held the picture of us smiling in my hands. The door closed and locked as I heard Carl's footsteps come closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. I broke down, feeling safe in his arms, feeling protected. I turned around and cried into his chest. He wrapped me in a hug stroking my hair as he kissed the top of my head, letting me cry it all out. 

I looked up at him my eyes probably red and puffy. He looked at me with soft eyes telling me everything would be okay by just looking at me. I smiled a small smile kissing his lips.

"I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear as I hugged him. 

"It's not your fault" He whispered back in a muffled voice as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. That night we sat on the roof of that tree house looking up at the stars holding hands silently in each other arms. Not saying a word to each other. Just enjoying to quiet of life. Everything wilted away slowly that night in his arms. That night we connected. That night we fell even more in love then we ever thought was possible. That night I knew he was the boy I wanted by my side for the rest of my life. 

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