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Hey guys my last update was horrible so I'm sorry I'm going to try to make these ones a lot better I have a two part story coming up that I think you guys will really enjoy😊 Remember requests are always open. Also Carl and Y/N are going to be 18 in this story.
"Hurry their getting closer" Rick guided us all into an abandoned building where it would be semi safe from the horde of walkers drawing near. Carl and I were the last two to enter the building we slammed the door shut and locked it hoping it would hold.

"Y/N are you okay" Carl asked as he looked over at me.

"Ya I'm just not feeling to well" I lied I was feeling like shit, I have been for about a week now but today it was worse.

"You should lay down" Carl put my arm around his neck and led me to one of the corners of the building while he got blankets and pillows. He layed them down on the floor making a bed for the two of us to sleep on. I scanned the room looking at what everyone else was doing.

Maggie and Glenn were already cuddled together.

Rick and Michonne had Judith in their "bed". 

And Daryl and Abraham were in their own corner snuggled up in a blanket.

"Okay this should be comfy enough, for the night" Carl placed the last blanket onto the floor.

"Thanks" I said pulling myself up but immediately regretting it since I nearly fell to the ground. Carl caught me before I had hit the ground.

"Your really not well" he said.

"I'm just dizzy and nauseous that's all, it's probably because I'm exhausted I just need to sleep" I said making my way over to the pillows and soft blankets.

"Okay well if you need anything don't be afraid to wake me" he smiled while bringing me closer to his body. He was warm and made me feel safe.
"Okay everybody time to get up we have to get back to the camp" Rick said waking everybody up. The moment I woke up I ran to the bathroom that they had down the hallway.

"Y/N where are you going" Carl chased after me.

I ran into the bathroom and the little food that was in my stomach was now gone.

"Ya I'm good" I said after everything was now in the toilet.

I wiped my mouth and splashed some water on my face before going back out. As I went out I was greeted by Carl, Maggie, Gelnn, and Daryl (My dad).

"Are you okay" Carl asked while handing me a mint out of a pack he had found in the store somewhere.

"Ya I'm good" I sucked on the mint instantly getting the horrible taste out if my mouth.

"Y/N can I talk to you for a second" Maggie said pulling me aside into a more private spot.

"Hey what's up" I asked.

"Have you being feeling nauseous, and dizzy, also tired" She asked.

"Ya, it's been about a week now and I'm starting to get worried that it's something serious" I admitted.

"Now I might be wrong but I just want to be careful, do you think you could be pregnant" The words hit me as I relized that it could be that. Maggie must have relized that because she handed me a pregnancy test.

"Just try it" She smiled.

I went into the bathroom and waited a couple minutes until the stick was finally done and it had a + beside it.

"No, no I can't be no fuck I messed up" I said under my breath.

"Y/N is everything alright in there" Maggie asked knocking on the door.

"No" I replied.

"Did it not work" she asked.

"No it worked alright but not what I was hoping for" I came out and she went in and saw the stick.

"Everything's going to be okay, you have us to help you out here and I'm always here no matter what" she said
"You're going to have to tell Carl, it is his right, please tell me it's his" Maggie was concerned but of course it was his.

"Yes of course it's his" I said "who else would it be"

"You have to tell him"

"He's going to hate me, he's going to be mad I can't bring a baby into this world that's not who I am I'm not the girl who gets pregnant I'm the girl who fights and kills walkers" I said realizing it made no sense but in my head it did.

"Everything's going to be okay" Maggie hugged me when I saw Carl come around the corner.

"Hey is everything okay back here we need to leave soon, how are you feeling babe" Carl came next to me as Maggie left.

"Carl I need to... I need to tell you something" I said.

"Okay, are you okay, did you get bit" he asked checking me.

"No I didn't get bit"

"So what is it"

"I'm... I'm pregnant" once I said it butterflies exploded in my stomach.

"Your... We... I'm going to be a dad" he said.

"Ya" tears fell down my face.

"Hey don't cry this is a good thing, we're going to get through this, your going to be a mommy" he smiled and placed a hand in my stomach.

"Don't call me mommy" I chuckled.

"You better get use to it" he chuckled while kissing my stomach

"We should go and tell everybody else" Carl said taking my hand.

"What if they hate us, what if they think we were irresponsible" he feared.

"Relax their going to love it" he said dragging me into the open store where everyone was packed up.

"Everybody we have some new for you guys" Carl smiled and motioned towards me to tell everyone.

"I'm pregnant" I tried to put on a smile hoping everybody would be okay with it.

"Ha Rick I get the wall side" Michonne said as Rick rolled his eyes.

"You guys bet I was pregnant" Rick nodded.

"It crossed my mind when you were exhausted, and mood swings so ya" Michonne said.

"Well okay then" I laughed.

"Congratulations you two" Abraham said.

"You knocked up my daughter" Daryl came bursting through the group.

"Oh shit, dad calm down this is a good thing" I tried to make him feel better about everything.

"I know congratulations sweet heart I was just messing with you two" he said bringing me into a hug.

"Don't scare me like that" I hit his arm.

"Okay as good as this news is we still have to get going" Rick said.

"Are you okay to run" Carl asked.

I nodded as he took my hand and we rushed out the door and back to camp.

The ending sucks sorry.

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