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Y/N and I have been getting along really well these past two weeks. We have gotten to know each other and I have just started to like her even more than I did when I first met her.

"Hey Carl" She said causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Hey" I turned around quickly coming face to face with her. She stepped back a little and chuckled.

"You want to go hang out over the wall" She asked holding up some comic books and raising her eyebrows.

"how did you get these" I asked looking at the 4 comic book that was the ones I had been missing from the series I was reading.

"Now that is a secret" she chuckled as we walked towards the wall.


Y/N P.O.V:

Once we got over the wall we saw Enid sitting over by a tree reading a book and swirling her knife around in her hands.

"Hey Enid" Carl said sitting down next to her.

"Hey" her eye's lit up until she saw me then they instantly dropped down into a cold death stare.

"Mind if we join you" I asked she mumbled an "I mind if you do" but I brushed it off and pretended not to hear it. 

Carl was quiet for a bit until he started kind of flirting with Enid making her giggle, and laugh and completely ignoring me. I had to admit it to myself that yes I did like Carl and I had for a while and I was starting to think that he liked me too but apparently not. After a while, I had had enough of being ignored and annoyed and upset I sat up and threw the book at Carl and walked away.

"hey, where are you going"  He asked completely oblivious to what was happening.

"Back home enjoy your books" I said storming off and back over the wall.

"Y/N wait up" Carl's voice echoed as the sound of people chased me. I looked back to see Carl and Enid running after me. I jumped down and back into Alexandria.

"Y/N seriously what's wrong" he said grabbing my arm stopping me in my place.

"what wrong, really you're asking that question" I snapped.

"yes" He said.

"what's wrong is that I like you Carl I have since the day I met you and I thought that you did too but apparently I was wrong" I said jerking my arm out of his grip and walking away but only for him to rush in front of me and stop me.

"I liked you to since the day I met you I was only doing this to try and make you jealous which worked but not how I thought it would" He admitted looking down at the ground.

"You two make me want to barf seriously you shouldn't be together it's just going to cause problems and you probably won't even last" A jealous Enid snapped as she stormed away and pushed past Carl and I.

"Why didn't you just tell me like a normal human being would" I chuckled.

"Because I wasn't sure if you liked me or not and plus I'm shy" He said going red in the cheeks.

"you don't have to be shy with me" I said raising his head up so he was looking at me and kissing him. It was perfect everything around me was like it was stopped in time until I felt a sharp pain in my head as I went tumbling to the ground and smashing it against a rock.

"What the hell are you doing with my sister" Ron yelled as he pushed Carl to the ground and got on top of him pounding his face in.

"Ron stop" I screamed as Carl flipped over and pinned Ron to the ground.

"You ever touch my sister again and I will kill you" Ron said spitting in Carl's face as Carl let him go and walk away. I was suprised Carl didn't punch him back, he just pinned him to the ground and got off of him.

"Ron what the hell is your problem" I screamed after him.

"The problem is that you shouldn't be hanging around with him, he's just using you he likes Enid even thou we all know she doesn't like him back, you knew I was dating her yet you still went after her, and even now you are going after my sister" He yelled.

"I think you got your stories mixed up man" Carl said.

"ya big time, maybe you should double check with Enid that it's not her that likes Carl" I said raising my voice.

"whatever come on your going home" Ron said grabbing me by my arm and dragging me along with him.

"let go of me" I said trying to get out of his grip but he tightened it."Ow Ron your hurting me" i said trying to get free. Next thing i know Ron is being tackled to the ground by Carl and now he is the one throwing the punches.

"carl" I screamed as I pulled him off of him and over to my side.

"You ever touch her like that again and I will make sure that your life is a living hell" carl said pinning Ron up against a tree while holding the collar of his shirt. He let him go and walked back over to me as Ron stormed off. "Are you okay" he asked checking my arm whihc was already brusing.

"Ya i'm fine" I said rubbing my head where I hit it on the rock.

"you sure" He said examinging the rest of my body to make sure there were no other cuts and brusises.

"I'm sure" I chuckled at the concerned Carl.

"Come on let's go take you back home" He said interlacing our finger.

"no, I....I don't really want to go back and see Ron" I said looking down at the ground.

"Okay no problem you can hang out at my place for a while you can get to know Michonne and my dad some more" he smiled and I nodded. We walked back with our hands interlaced together.

"hey, dad is it okay if Y/N hangs out here for a while" Carl asked.

"Sure I don't see why not" Rick said smiling when he noticed our hands were together. "Is everything okay?" He asked seeing my bruised head and arm. I explained to him everything that happened and he said that I could spend however long I wanted here. I thanked him and Carl and I went up to his bedroom and talked. He made me feel safe, and he made me laugh and forget about everything.


I will be making the last part of this. I hope you guys like it so far and I hope you guys don't find it too boring. I know it is kind of dragging on a little I am going to wrap it up and try to make it better in the next one.

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