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Carl and you are 17 in this story hope you guys like it.


"Hey, Michonne have you seen Carl" I asked while walking into the kitchen.

"Upstairs, but be warned he's in a bad mood" He chuckled.

"Oh god not again" I rolled my eye's and headed upstairs.

I knocked on the door to Carl's room and waited for a response.

"What" Carl snapped.

"Never mind I'll just come back another time" I closed the door. He had been very moody lately I would think he was on his period if he wasn't a guy.

"No wait Y/N come back" He sighed.

"No it's fine really I'll come back" I said. Soon enough I was pulled back in by Carl grabbing my waist and pulling me in. I giggled as he threw us on the bed so I landed on top of him.

"Sorry for being an ass" He chuckled.

"It's fine my question is why were you being an ass" I rolled over onto the other side of the bed.

"Becuase I thought you were my dad and lately he has been super annoying, asking me to come work with him although all I do is follow him around the camp listening to his conversation's on the wall" He rambled which made me smile he was cute when he was frustrated or mad, he was always cute.

"Last time I recall I didn't look like your dad" I teased hoping to lift his mood a little.

"Well I couldn't see you" He said poking at my stomach.

"You wanna do something, I'm bored, any ideas" I said rolling over back on top of him.

"Ya I want to cuddle" He said wrapping his arms around me.

"I like that idea" I chuckled placing a kiss on his lips.

After a couple minutes of making out we heard a knock at the door and Carl's excpression changed pretty quickly.

"Yes" He said annoyed.

"Carl I need you to come and help me with some work around Alexandria" He said.

"Dad I don't...."

"Wel Rick not to burst your bubble or anything but Carl and I are kind of in the middle of a makeout session and I would really appreciate it if we could finish before you drag him off please" I cut Carl off before him and his father got into another argument.

"Oh...Uh..Never mind I don't need you Carl go back to... ah.... what you were doing" He said rubbing his neck and slowley closing the door.

"You're evil" Carl said kissing me on the lips as we bothe chuckled.

"Ya but you love me" I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I do indeed love you" He chuckled.

"Come on I want to cuddle some more" I smiled.

"Okay...fine if I have to" He joked.

"Well I mean if you don't want to then okay" I played along while pretending to get up.

"No,no,no get back here" He grabbed my waist and pulling back in towards him and back into bed. We both chukled and laid there all day relaxing and spending time alone.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now