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I swaddled Judith in my arm as she slowly fell asleep, I hummed you are my sunshine softly. I heard the door open and saw Carl standing in the doorway.

"Hey, stranger" He had a soft smile spread across his face.

"Hey" I chuckled.

"Your so good with Judith, she loves you" He said placing a hand on the tiny humans back (Greys anatomy reference lol).

I had been taking care of Judith ever since Beth passed away I had grown so attached to her. At first, I hated taking care of her because I hated children but something changed as time went on.

(1 year ago)

"Y/N can you take care of Judith for a bit I have to go on a supply run with Rick" Carl said. I wanted to say no and to be honest I probably would have if it were anyone else but since Carl and I just started dating I decided to say yes trying to anger or upset him in any way.

"Uh...Ya...Sure" Flustered I took to baby into my arms as she cooed.

"Thanks you're a life saver" Carl said bolting out of the house to catch up with the rest of the group. I was supposed to go on the run with them but Carl took my spot and him being Carl they said it would be better and safer if he went and I didn't. I could take care of myself and everybody knew I could kill and fight but he was Rick's son and Rick made all of the calls and I was Daryl's daughter I was supposed to be a badass and was suppose to be this amazing fighter and I liked to think that I was pretty good but they still saw me as a child.

"Okay Judith let's get you ready for bed" I said taking her to her crib and placing her down. An hour later sobs were still escaping Judith's mouth and screams from her were still going on. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work. She mumbled something about a green blanky that she wanted. I looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. Finally, I gave up and let her scream it all out.

"Hey" Carl said entering the room where a sleeping Judith laid and a half dead girl propped up against the crib. "You okay there" He chuckled.

"That damn, stupid ass green blanket was the death of me" I chuckled back.

"Oh ya she can't sleep without that blanket" He joined me on the ground.

"I looked everywhere for about an hour until I finally found it downstairs stuffed between the couch cushions.

"I have been looking for that for weeks, I have been letting her scream her head off for hours until she finally falls asleep so thank you for that" He chuckled and bumped my arm with his shoulder.

"Your welcome" I chuckled along with him.

I looked over at him and smiled he slowly leaned in as I followed along eventually our lips connected. It was the first time i had ever kissed a boy, I was happy it was Carl.

"Thank you again for today" He said smiling.

"For what the kiss or for taking care of Judith" I joked.

"Both, but mostly the kiss" He smirked. I chuckled as we left the room, leaving the sleeping child to peace.

(The present)

"Remember the first time I took care of her" I said.

"Yep it was one of the most memorable days of my life" He said pulling me by my waist and into his body as soon as I set Judith down.

"Me too, I remember it as if it was yesterday" I replied replaying the role in my head.

"Why don't we replay it" He said bringing me into a kiss.

"I love you" I said between kisses.

"I love you too" He replied kissing me again.

"How long has it been again" I asked.

"About a year and a half I think" He rested his head on my shoulder as we watched Judith in her crib.

"Wow, i can't believe it's been that long" I saif shocked at how far we have made it together.

"I'm happy it's been this long I couldn't imagine my life without you" He sighed.

"Same, I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you" I rested my head against his head.

"Come on we shouldgo before we wake her" Carl said taking my hand and leading me out into the room where we went back to our room and cuddled. 

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