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"I'm going and you can't stop me" I yelled. The group had a new plan a plan that could kill Negan or could kill us. 

"You are not going" Carl repeated for the 14 millionth time.

"Carl, you can't stop me I'm going whether you like it or not" I snapped while grabbing my crossbow from off the table and slamming the door on my way out.

"Hey, sweetie you ready" Daryl my dad said as I came out.

"Always" I said trying to put a smile on my face to cover to anger so no questions would be asked.

"Good" He said patting me on the back and giving me a quick smile before returning to the group's conversation.

"Okay let's head out" Rick said. This whole time we thought he was broken we thought he wasn't the man he used to be, little did we know this was all an act he had been putting on the fool Negan and damn was he good at acting.

We loaded into the RV Carl came over and stood in front of me.

"Wha....." Before I could even ask I was being dragged across the floor and into the bathroom Carl locked the door and kissed me intensely even thou I was pissed at him I kissed back because it was instinct.

"Carl wha..." I was cut off my him.

"Look we could die tonight, and I don't want to spend our last moments in a fight saying things we don't mean" He said which made me smile a little but I quickly hid it so he thought I was still mad."I love you Y/N so much when I met you, you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw and we became best friends at first for years then it grew into something more and I love you so much Y/N I love you" He shouted which made me giggle.

"Okay keep your voice down" I whispered."I love you too, and I know we could die tonight and if we do I want you to know that I'm sorry" I said which caused Carl to give a confused look at me.

"What are you sor..." 

"Just listen" I cut him off."I'm sorry for the fights, I'm sorry for being stubborn at times I'm sorry if I could be a total bitch and get jealous for no reason, but I love you so much Carl and I don't know what I would do if I lost you, I already lost Glenn who was like an older brother to me I can't loose you to" I said tears starting to gloss over my eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry Y/N the fights made us stronger, your stubbornness is cute, and when you get jealous you turn into an even more badass than you already are" He said poking my stomach.

"I love you" I placed a kiss on his lips.

"I love you to" He replied with another kiss.

"Come on you two love birds get out here and stop making love in the bathroom" Daryl yelled.

"I'm coming dad" I said.

"You better not be coming or I will slap the hell out of both of you" He teased.

"Shut up" I chuckled.


We finally were in place behind Negans building we all went to where we were suppose to be I heard gunshots and I knew the war had started. I saw Negan himself through a window I knew I wasn't supposed to go for him but I did anyway I wanted revenge, I wanted to take that bat that killed Glenn and Abraham and I wanted to smash it over his head until he slowly died.  I jumped through the window silently and picked up the bat that was in the corner I took several other men out before getting to Negan I smacked him over the head but it didn't knock him out next thing I knew I was being dragged by the collar of my shirt.


We had gotten caught all of us...again. We were all down on our knees in the camp of the saviors we were surrounded. I looked around but I didn't see Y/N, she was either dead, or hadn't gotten caught yet.

"Well, well isn't this just deja vu" Negan said as he came out side there was no getting out of this one each and everyone of us was about to die."I have a little suprise I think you might enjoy" Negan said as he went back inside and came out with Y/N he was dragging her across the dirt and rock covered ground by her shirt collar.

"No" I yelled out.

"You havn't seen anything yet" Negan looked pissed off."I'm going to take her back inside I'm going to beat her head in with Lucille over here just loud enough so you can hear it, then I'm going to have Carl and Daryl over here clean up the mess" He said smirking.

"Please don't do this" Daryl begged.

"To late" He said dragging her back inside. We heard fighting and glass breaking until the dread moment when we heard Lucille smash into Y/N's head. I screamed and tried to escape the grasp of one of the saviors but he held me down. Daryl did the same but he was no match for the threee men who were holding him down. I sat there for what feeled like hours until the door finally swung open all I could see was Lucille and the blood that was dripping from her. i sobbed until I heard everyone gasp as they looked up. It was Y/N she was alive.

"Everybody let go of them now" She yelled out in compleat anger, to my suprise everyone backed away."Now get down on your knees" She commanded. Everyone looked as shicked as I did.

"I have had enough of this shit, Negan... he was a compleat and utter douche bag, he killed two of our men because we killed some of his men, men that he probably didn't give a rats ass about, men that he probably didn't even know their names" She yelled out as she held back tears.

"Now get out of my fucking sight before I take this bat and use it to bash all of your heads in" She said holding up Lucille.Every one of the saviors left except for Simon and Dwight who stayed put.

"I see how it is" She said as she came over to them."I'll just kill both of you then" She took out her gun and shot each of the men in the head causing them to fall to the ground in a pool of their own blood. She started to sob and she went over the brick building where a dead Negan lied. She took the bat and hit it against the building until it cracked in half then she threw it across the yard. She fell to the ground and sobbed as I along with Daryl came by her side. 

"Hey you're okay now he's gone" I said hugging her tightly. Daryl and I both comferted her while the rest of the group loaded up the RV they were all still shocked that Negan and all the saviors -were gone.


Hey guys sorry the ending sucked but I hope you liked it!!!

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