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She looked so cute as she had her eyes closed and her hair a little messed up around her face. I smiled as I took a piece of her hair in my hands and started to play with it trying my best to attempt a braid in her hair. I have seen her do braids before so I just went off of what I watched her do. I took three pieces of her hair and started to criss-cross them in every direction until I reached the bottom. I looked at it and saw that it looked nothing like she did. I slightly chuckled at myself for not being able to do a simple braid, I tried to undo my "work of art" but it became tangled and started to form a knot in her hair. She slightly stirred in her sleep switching sides unexpectedly, my thumb got caught in her hair as she switched sides causing me to pull on her hair. Her eye's snap opened and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck Carl" She was not a morning person.

"Sorry baby, my hand got caught in your hair" I smiled shyly.

"What the frig happened to my hair," She asked and felt the knot that I had accidentally formed on her hair.

"I tried to braid your hair but it didn't really work...I can't braid hair" I said.

"Ya, I can see that" She chuckled. 

"Sorry, I messed up your hair" I smiled shyly and brought her closer to me.

"That's okay I'll just have to get you back" She smiled and kissed my nose before maneuvering her way out of my arms and out of bed.

"Where are you going," I asked.

"To take a shower and use all the conditioner I can to get this knot out of my hair" She chuckled before closing the bathroom door.

"Can I join?" I asked smirking.

"Nope" She yelled as she turned on the water.

"Oh come on, I said I was sorry"

"I know, but I don't care" She laughed. "And now I'm getting undressed and in the shower," SHe said in a mocking voice.

"I hate you" I yelled.

"No you don't," She said back. I smiled and got out of bed running into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. 

"Carl" She screamed. I got into the shower and kissed her.

"Your a dork" She smiled.

"I know" I smiled and kissed her again. 

"You still have your pajamas on" She smiled.

"Shit" I mumbled.

"Your 17 Carl I thought you knew that the clothes come off when you take a shower" She smirked.

"Shut up and kiss me" I smiled leaning in and kissing her.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now