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Carl and I have been having problems for the past week. Constantly fighting and bickering at each other. Right now we were on a run with Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, and Sasha. Everything was going fine until a hoard of walkers came out of a building and we all had to fight through them. I was just about to kill a walker that was coming towards me when two other trampled me from behind. I tried to fight them off trying to reach my knife but I couldn't. I saw Carl as I looked up.

"Carl babe help" I said through grunts trying to keep the walkers from biting me.

"Carl" I yelled but he just stood there and watched me.

"Carl what the hell" I screamed in anger as I tried to get the walkers off. Tears were now streaming down my face as it was getting harder to keep them off of me.

"Carl" I pleaded as I was getting tired. But he still just stood there and watched me slowly almost die. But before the walkers got to me Michonne sliced one of the walkers head off sending blood to splatter all of me. I quickly pushed the other one off and got up quickly taking my crossbow and shooting it in the head. I turned around full of anger as I looked at Carl. He stared at me his eyes glossy.

"Thanks Asshole" I muttered as I passed him. Everyone was watching now. But I didn't care it was his fault. If he was that upset with me to let me die then I didn't give a crap what other people thought.

"Y/N wait..." Carl said trying to grab my hand but Daryl stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said towering over Carl. He was always like a dad to me so he was very over protective and he was already pissed at Carl for the way we have been fighting with each other lately.

Carl cowered back and walked to the car after me.

"Come on kiddo" Daryl said bringing me to the truck. I hopped in the back with Sasha, Glenn, Daryl and Maggie. They had all tried to get into this car to talk with me about what the hell was going on. Rick Carl and Michonne were in the other car.
I just stood there. Not because I wanted her to die, not because I hated her but because I was scared of losing her. My whole body shut down and my brain wasn't working. My legs wouldn't carry me towards her my eyes just sat there and watched, my ears just listened to her screams echoing my name. I was scared she was gone, that the last thing she would remember was our fight, that the last words that had came out of my mouth to her were "I wish we never even got together" I was petrified that everything would just stop. That without her there with me the whole world would just stop turning, that I would just shut down, and be nothing.

"Carl" my dad yelled at me as he drove down the long road.

"What...ya" I said quietly.

"What the hell were you doing" Michonne asked her voice fully of anger.

"She's your girlfriend Carl" my dad said.

"Even if she wasn't she was a human that was part of our group, and you just watched her struggle and practically die!" My dad yelled.

"I..." I chocked on my words trying not to break down.

"Carl...what's going on" Michonne asked more quietly and calm as she saw my state.

"I love her that's what's going on..." I said explaining everything to her.
Y/N P.O.V:
I got out of the truck after explaining everything to everyone in the truck. They all supported me and were there for me but I was still full of rage and sadness.

I got to my house and put all my bags and bow down on the table. I heard a knock on the door and I went over to open it. That's when I saw Carl standing there his eyes bloodshot red.

"I was scared of losing you, my whole body shut down" he said just as I was about to open my mouth.

"What" I said. He pushed past me and into the kitchen.

"My whole body shut down in fear Y/N, my whole body couldn't move" he said.

"Carl don't make up stupid excuses because before we left the exact words that came out of your mouth was that you wish we never got together. If you hated me that much that you could watch me struggle and die then you should have just broken up with me" I yelled finally snapping.

"Are you kidding me! I didn't want you to die, I was scared of losing you, because if you were gone then I would be nothing Y/N I would be nothing without you" he screamed! "I love you to fucking much, that's what I'm scared of, I wanted to do something but my body wouldn't let me, I wanted to save you and I will from now on I don't care how much I shut down I will fight for you and protect you because I fucking love you" he screamed. I placed my hands on his cheeks pulling his face into mine and letting our lips connect into a passionate kiss as we both melted into it.

"You love me" I whispered as I placed my forehead on his keeping my Y/E/C eyes closed. He nodded his head and I kissed him again.

"I love you to Carl" I said with a small smile.

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