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I got into the back of the RV where Maggie was I held her hand the whole time. My brain was scattered I had so many different emotions and thoughts running through my body and mind. My dad was missing along with Glenn which worried me out of my mind, something was Wrong with Maggie which made me even more worried, and I didn't tell anyone but I had been hurt badly when Maggie and I were trapped. I had several deep cuts on my arms from trying to cut the duck tape, and I was stabbed in the leg by a pike that was sticking out from the ground.

"You're going to be okay" I reassured Maggie while trying to crack a smile, but I knew she could sense that I was worried.

All of a sudden the RV came to a slow stop and I heard Rick and the group get out. I quickly stood up and grabbed my gun. As I exited the RV I was greeted by a bunch of men with guns blocking our way to the HillTop. We all got back in and Abraham turned us around the find another way up.

"Whats going on" Maggie asked.

"Nothing everything's fine, we just ran into some walkers and we had to kill them" I lied but I didn't want to worry her even more than she already was.

We made several different stops until each one of them because our way was blocked by more and more men with guns. We eventually pulled off into the woods and unloaded Maggie we carried her in a sort of stretcher. Carl and I took care of the walkers around us. I was in the back while he was in the front. All of a sudden we heard a faint noise that sounded like a whistle. Then it became louder and louder as more people joined in. Men and women surrounded us like a pack of wolves. They put us each down on our knees taking away our guns and knives and any other sort of weapons we had on us. I was between Carl and Spencer I looked around as they unlocked a truck bringing out Glenn and my dad. He made eye contact with me and tried to escape from the men's grasp to get to me but he failed and was thrown to his knees along with the rest of us.

"Then why don't you meet the man yourself" I snapped out of my thoughts, everything was a blur up until this moment. I looked around and saw a dark haired man talking. All of a sudden Negan himself came out of the trailer with a bat wrapped in barbwire. He talked about us killing his men and how we must pay the punishment. He was going to brutally murder one of us with his bat Lucille.

"I simply can not decide" he said swinging around the death bat. "I have an idea" He started to make his way along the group with the eni mini miny moe song. He landed on each and every one of us. My heart started to pound as he came close to the end of the song. He finally landed on Abraham and my heart shattered into pieces on the ground.

"Hell, your going to be doing a lot of that" He had rambled on but I couldn't focus properly. We were all about to witness one of our people get murdered right in front of us.

He lifted the bat and swung it down until it smashed against Abrahams skull. I looked down at the ground trying to block out the sound of his flesh and skull being beaten in. All of a sudden I saw my dad charge towards Neagn. My heart stopped as the man pointed the crossbow at him.

"Should we kill him" The blond haired man asked.

"Please don't" I yelled trying to get to my dad but Carl grabbed my hand and brought me closer to him.

"Oh and who are you" Neagn said making his way over to me."Does Daryl over here have a daughter, because you know you look just like him, you have that cold stare that says "I'm going to kill you" and you have his looks to" He said.

"Oh and what do we have here" he said looking over at Carl and I's hands clenched together. "Oh do we have two young lovers over here" He chuckled. "Now that's just adorable. how long have you two been together" He said but I stayed silent. "I asked you a question now answer it" He said but I still didn't say a word. "I said answer me" He slapped me across the face sending a stinging pain to run through the side of my face.

"Two years" i replied.

"Now that's just too fucking adorable, who knew that in all of this shit people could still find love" he said standing up.

"Let him go" Negan said sending a relief through my body as they released my dad and dragged him back to his spot on the ground.

"Now let's get back to it" Negan said as he took his bat and swung it over Glenn's head. My whole body shut down and I completely blacked out. I knew I was still alive, awake, and breathing but I wasn't seeing anything around me but the ground Rick had gone then come back and he looked petrafied. I was only awakened out of my own bubble when Carl stood up and Negan put a belt around his arm.

"You a south paw" Negan asked.

"What" Carl replied still giving Negan a cold stare.

"You a lefty" He said in a more simple term.


"Good" Negan said bringing Carl over to Rick.

"Sorry kiddo but this isn't going to be pretty for your little boyfriend over here" he said adressing me.

"Husband" I replied looking up.

"What" Negan looked over at me.

"He's not my boyfriend he's my husband" I said giving him a cold stare.

"Well damn that's just breaking my heart" He said while sending Carl tumbling to the ground. He took a marker and drew a black line over his arm.

"Simon you got a pen" He asked as Simon threw him a pen.

"Now Rick I know this is kind of a messed up thing to ask, but I'm going to need you to make a clean cut like you're cutting 

"Chope chop I haven't got all day" He snickered. I started to tear up but I didn't let any weakness show. After what felt like hours he finally left and he spared Carl his arm. They took my dad and loaded him up into the back of the truck while the blond-haired man kept a crossbow up to him making sure he didn't escape.

Carl came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, but I had no strength left in me, I fell into him and sobbed. I just broke out into tears showing weakness to everybody. Eventually, I stopped and pulled myself together as I stood up and walked off and into the RV.

"Y/N wait" Carl shouted chasing after me. I made my way up the three steps of the Rv and locked myself in the bathroom.

"Please don't do this Y/N please come out Carl whispered from the other side of the door. I splashed some cold water on my face that I had left in my canteen then I stepped back out of the bathroom. 

"Right now I just need you please" I whispered as I hugged him tightly.

"I'm here...always" He wrapped his arms around me as we made our way to the bench. I stayed in his arm the whole ride back, I didn't cry, I didn't move, I didn't speak... I just sat there trying to close my eyes and hope this was all a nightmare.


I know this wasn't exactly like the episode but it was close enough I hope. This is the end of the What! series unless you guys want another one. Sorry it took so long to update.

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