My Little Bad Demon: social life

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Y/n is a typical 18 years old girl senior in high school not really into popularity ( like the movie mean girl) nor sports one time you dated this jock name Linus Sprouss he was heart eyes. He was perfect everything you needed his hair was like LukeHemmings but it's darker and his eyes where hazel he was your first kiss and first love. Then one day when you where watching television flipping threw channels you saw the news and it was your boyfriend Linus laying on the ground dead where the car was flipped over. You scream and cried let's just say you where depress that your former lover has left your life you didn't want to step foot outside because Linus isn't in your life anymore (ik this is some deep shit😭) even your best friend melidous (from the seven deadly sins... it's on Netflix very good show) tries to get you out the house but he lost hope then he decided to dump a bucket of ice cold water on you (lmao the ice bucket challenge) that's when you decided to go outside again so now senior year in high school clearly didn't feel like listening to teachers bullshit about the school project later that day you went home change clothes and visit your boyfriend grave (i don't like cemeteries it scares me) you threw a flower on the ground then left you went back home undress yourself took a shower then jump on your bed took out your laptop went on internet explorer type in cleverbot to talk to cleverbot itself

Cleverbot: hello

User: hi

User: how did Ben drown?

Cleverbot: who drown?

(I don't know how this shit goes so bare with me 😂😂😂)

User: Ben

Clever: who's Ben?

User: who killed Ben?

Cleverbot: His father killed him

User: why did his father killed him?

Cleverbot: who killed him?

"Are you fucking serious right now 😑" you log off your computer until you it was time for bed. It was 10:35 your computer began to glitch green random numbers and errors began to form then black ooze's (or sockets??? Idk what you called that🤔) coming out of your computer then an arm grab the side of the computer then another arm grabbed the other side of the computer then after that the head poked out sooner or later the whole body came out of the computer it was a boy who looked looked like a elf (santa little helper... lmao i just thought of that joke 😂😂😂) he didn't make any sound because you where a deep sleeper so therefore you probably didn't hear a thing until you heard something break you woke up and gasp. You looked around the room to see what it was your flower vase that fell "damn it how did that fall?" You went to the kitchen to grab a broom and a dust pan to sweap up the broken glass.

??? Pov:
" ha ha this is going to be fun messing with her." Then the lights flicker "what the fu-" BOOM something or somebody hit you that made you fly ( *sings* i believe i can fly😂😂😂) you landed on your backyard pool you swam your way out of the pool until you saw a boy that looked 12 or maybe 16 you couldn't really tell but he had black eyes (not the one get punch in the face😂) and red pupils blood coming out of his eyes. You reach at the end of the pool so you can get out when you got out the pool the link look a like stand in front of you.

??? Pov:
"You met a terrible fate haven't you?" he flash a creepy smile that show his sharp teeth " holy shit that's Ben" you got up and ran out the door as fast as you could until he caught up to you by his electric powers " you think you can run away from me... guess again this is my game now"

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