MY LITTLE BAD DEMON Story: kiss me

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Y/n pov
Every since ben rescue me from him i never really got the chance to say thank you i know i was being hard on him before but now it feels different... i feel different maybe i should go and find him before it's too late to say sorry. I walked down the long hall way to find his room i knock on his door twice *knock knock* "hey ben are you in there? Can i come in?" Instead of waiting for his response i just decided to bardge right in. I see ben laying on his bed with tears in his eyes he was actually crying "hey ben what's wrong? Why are you crying? " That's the first time i actually care  about him "is somebody bothering you? Did jeff did something to upset you? If he did I'll give him more than just pain." Ben turned his head and looked at me.

Ben pov
I turned my head to look at her "why... why can't you feel the same way about me y/n?" She gave me a confused look like she doesn't know what i am talking about "i try to get your attention, i try to comment nice things about you." Then be starts to rise his voice at you " HELL I EVEN KILLED YOUR DEAD FUCKING BOYFRIEND AWAY FROM YOU AND ALL YOU COULD DO IS REJECT ME." Ben broke down and cry. You try to say something but you couldn't no words came out of your mouth "just forget it that i loved you ever since i led eyes on you through my computer you were the first person i ever think about i admit i was pretty damn selfish for killing the person you loved and i understand tha-" ben sentences was cut off when he felt two soft lips pressed on his. You kissed him but he pushed you away getting confused again "why did you kissed me? I thought you hated my fucking guts? What the hell y/n please don't tell me you have different personality disorder (no hate nor judge towards people with personality or bipolar  disorder i completely understand their situations of what they are going through.) Did you or toby switch bodies or somthing?" Ben was asking so many questions that you started to laugh "no toby and i did not switch bodies if that's even possible and the reason why i kissed you is because i came to realize that the reason why i was being mean to you is because i love you yeah i hated your guts but for some reason i couldn't get rid of these feelings i have for you...*sigh* Ben i am in love with you." Ben walked up to you and kissed to you like it was the last day on earth " you don't know how long i waited for you to say those words out of your mouth." You both giggle in between kisses until you both forehead touch each other with a smile.
--------------------------------------------------------- Annnnnnnd that's the end of my bad little demon story again I'm sorry i had to cancel the story i know some of you guys might be upset about it but don't worry another ben drowned love story is coming up soon and that will be the evil glitch bitch but in that story it will have a little twist and some love and hate here and there and after that i might need you to vote on which story do you think is the best. THE EVIL GLITCH bitch story  will be released on june 1st if you guys want you can go back and re-read the story until the next story is released until then see ya later my little devils ✌😈

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