My Bad Little Demon:Christmas special

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Y/n pov

"Hey ben can you hang up the chrismas lights on the tree please." You said to ben while flashing your eye lashes trying to have him in a holiday spirit "yeah sure babe but please stop flashing your eye lashes it's annoying and you'll get dust mice if you continue to do them again." With that he smirked and walked away. Asshole😒

Ben pov

I'm putting the lights on the tree while y/n is cooking the food i climbed down the latter to check and see if y/n is far away from us... and she is and by us i mean me and the guys. "Hey guys i got a secret and i don't want you tell y/n but I'm gonna propose to her on chrismas before the other pastas get here later on". The guys were shocked jeff and Ej gave him a manly handshake  to congratulate him.

Later on at night everybody ate there dinner and deserts ben decided to make announcement "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE (this feels like slim shady) I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR COMING HERE TONIGHT IT REALLY MEANS A LOT TO US ESPECIALLY FOR Y/N AND I." For some reason you start to have a werid feeling like ben is plotting something. What is this boy trying to do? "Y/N I KNOW YOU AND I HAVE OUR UPS AND DOWNS ABOUT THE PAST AND IM NOT GOIMG TO LIE TO YOU. I WAS ASSHOLE FOR HURTING YOU PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY AND I KNOW I'M NOT PERFECT BUT YOU STOOD THERE FOR ME, YOU PICKED ME UP WHEN NOBODY WAS THERE TO SAVE ME BUT YOU AND YOU EVEN CHOSE ME TO CALL YOU MINE SO I'M TRYING TO SAY IS." Ben gets down on one knee "will you marry?" You start to tear up and cry you were so emotional you couldn't get the words out of your mouth so you nodded your head instead to say yes and everyone starts to clap their hands. You kissed ben and whisper in his ear "since you want to throw a show i got a little surprise for you at the hotel." You nibbled on his ear just to tease him and then walked away with ben having a boner" can't wait for that surprise😉."

Hey peeps sorry it took me so long to type this story i was busy doing some family business but here's the Chrismas special of MY BAD Little Demon story until then see ya later my little devils 😈

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