My Bad Little Demon: How could you part 2

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Y/n pov

I was walking back from Slenderman office and start looking for ben then i realized that i left something in Slendy's office so I turned around to go back to his office then i heard voices. I was hearing Slenderman voice and Ben's voice as well... i wonder what are they talking about i got closer and closer to the door are they talking about me? And what does ben mean he can feel something bad is going to happen to me i mean I'm already dead so that should be bad enough right? As i continue to listen to their conversation i heard ben saying that he... he... killed Linus. My Linus the boy i was in a relationship with before he die. In a car accident but it wasn't in accident ben just admit that he cause the accident to happen and how he killed him. I became angry, upset and felt rage coming threw me all at once so i bust open the door that's when Slenderman said i was behind him "y/n i can explain" said ben. You could tell by the look in his face that he was lost of words" how could you? Why did you kill Linus? You knew that i loved him and you took him away from me" I was so angry and hurt to the point that my voice started to change and my eye's went from brown to a dark red. THE sky turns black and the cloud turns gray with lightning "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN EXPLAIN!?! YOU KILLED HIM YOU KNEW THAT IOVED HIM AND YOU KNEW HE WAS MY EVERYTHING" i was so mad that my mind went blank like i have no control of my body what so ever.

Ben pov
Before anyone judge me yes i deserve to get yelled at by her i mean i am a demon after all but her ura change when her voice and eye's begin to be different. I don't know if i should be scared and frighten or stand my ground and try to fight her.... i think i should run because she is starting to scare me more with her demonic new looks. "Y/n listen to me before you go hay wire on me. on us actually. Me killing Linus was Slenderman request it was my job to kill him if i didn't i will be punished for letting Linus go away besides he was cheating on you with that cheerleading slut in your school anyways." Before i could say anything else i felt a huge ping across my face she slapped me so hard to the point that i wasn't in the mansion anymore... i was officially outside with a huge cut on my left cheek. Man that shit hurts(of course it's going to hurt you just got bitch slapped by a girl... dumbass😒) "y/n please you have to forgive me I'm so so sorry that i killed him but i had no other choice you have to understand." For some reason she is not listening to me is she ignoring me? I think she is really- no extremely pissed at me maybe rage she is feeling? Then she said something that made my heart dropped it broke me into pieces.

--------------------------------------------------------- hey peeps sorry it took me so long to type this but i really and i mean REALLY tired so i stayed up a little to type this just to please you because well I'm a nice person so why not?🤔 any way i hope you guys loved the story I'm still trying to come up with some more ideas for the next part but I'll let you know but for right now let's get the questions shall we? Will y/n forgive ben for killing her former lover or will she blame Slendy? Will she go back to normal again? How do you think the other pastas might feel about her new transformation? Find out more tomorrow of My Bad Little Demon story until then see ya later my little devils 😈

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