My Bad Little Demon story: My hero

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Ben pov
The pastas and i found his territory's now all we have to do is make up a plan to rescue y/n so i had Jeff to sneak up the guards and slendy along with the proxy to attack their king minions while EJ, Laughing jack and i go find y/n because knowing his royal demons will try to stop us but they always fail to defeat us. We made it to the prisoners cell but no sign of y/n we heard little cries and sniffles "shhh guys do you hear that? I think that's y/n crying." We walked closer and closer to follow the sound but once we reached our destination we saw y/n beaten and tied up with chains she looked like she was going to let go of her last breathe i called her name "y/n... can you hear me? Who did this to you?" I was beginning to tear up blood in my eyes because she looked so fragile to touch. She shifted her body so she can move then she walked on her bare feet raise her head up to talk to me "b-ben please h-help me. He had order his guards to beat a-and he also had them to question me.... please ben I'm scared i don't want to be here anymore i wanna go home." She was literally crying her eyes out that she was so scared. I picked her Bridal style but forgot that she was chained to a wall so i had E.J. pick lock the chains to free her... it really pained me seeing her sad and i never been this soft for a girl before maybe y/n has some special effect on me that don't even know.

Y/n pov

Normally I'll hurt ben and kick his ass but right now is not the time I'm scared as shit right now and it's not a happy feeling i just want to go home and sleep in my comfortable bed being stuck the dungeon makes me feel weak i haven't taken a shower over two days... TWO!!!  I stink smells like dog shit mix with monthly periods(sorry if some of you guys are girls) ben was talking to me i wasn't paying attention because i was lost in my own train if thoughts "Y/N?!?." I blanked twice i respond with a confused face "h-huh I'm sorry ben i wasn't paying attention to what you were saying." I hated when I'm too honest😒

--------------------------------------------------------- Heypeeps it's your author i know i know it's been awhile since I've done the MY BAD Little Demon story i have been dealing with a lot of personal family problems at home ya know two of my family members that i was closed with  had passed away and i needed some time off from wattpad and i kept getting sick a lot so i needed to take a break and now I'm back and fully happy i am myself again😁 but i do got bad news... please don't hate me once i tell you this but MY BAD Little Demon story is going to end soon I'm sorry😢 it'll end on May 29th but the Glitch's Bitch story will be the first week if June. Once again I'm sorry but you can always re-read the sorry if you like until then see ya later my little devils 😈   

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