MY LITTLE BAD DEMON: forgive me part 2

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To be honest with you guys... i don't want to talk to Ben no more nor do i want to see him. Just thinking about what he did to Linus makes my blood boil so bad that I just want to rip him to shreds or punch him the face for lying to me UGH! He makes me mad😡. So you started to scream away my pain "BEN I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!" that's where you started to cry love and friendship hurts so bad that it felt like daggers was thrown at you.

Ben pov
I'm starting to get worried about y/n i mean it's been six hours... SIX HOURS since she left and it's scaring me because what if zalgo kidnap y/n or to make it worse killed her. "That's it I'm going to go look for her it's been six hours since she left, six hours since she went berserk on me and six hours she hasn't been back to the mansion Slendy I'll be right back I'm going to go find her because this is driving me crazy i know she is still mad at me for what i did and i understand that but having me worry is going to piss me off." Slendy folded his arms like he always do "don't blame this on her yeah a mission is going to be a mission but you should've known like i don't know search him up or hack into her past lover account you know something you normally do since you've been doing that for a very long time... the day you had die when i had found you floating in the lake." I hate it when he's right " *sigh* I know I've should have done that first but then she'll be even more pissed off about it as well." I was looking down on the floor just imagining y/n all over again is it bad to say that i just to pick her up and put her on my shoulder then drag her to the hotel i know I'm a horn ball for having dirty thoughts about her but when she had hit me that actually turned me on for some reason... I'm going to have to mark her when she gets back later on.. i think that's her at the door now.

Hey peeps sorry if the story is too short I'll try to make it longer later on today if i can until then see ya later my little devils😈

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