My Bad Little Demon: help me I'm scared

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Ben pov

It's. Been. Six. Hours... SIX FUCKING HOUR SINCE SHE LEFT THE DAMN MANSION WHERE IN HELL IS SHE?!? I need to go tell slendy that y/n is missing and it doesn't take six whole hours to for a person to go take a walk   unless... oh no she went pass his territory "slendy we got a missing pasta that's been gone for six hours and i think he took her while she went for a walk." Then suddenly i hear her voice "someone please help me I've been kidnapped but i don't know who it is or what it is who ever is out there please save me." I was fuming with flames because not only she cried for help but someone putting their hands on her just imagining it pissed me off I have to find her. "We'll go for a search party right now but if we catch a foot print or any othet clue that means she is still alive but if he has her then it means war between both demons." That's not until the other pastas showed up with anger, rage and revenge on their face including mine. y/n stay strong I'll be there to save you from him.

Y/N pov

The guards threw me in the cell like I'm some wild animal that need to be in a cage (I know that sound like animal abuse and i love furry fluffy animal especially when they are babies 😢) i tried to use my super natural powers but it doesn't work for some reason i don't understand why it worked when i kicked ben's ass before all of a sudden why now. I've been bruised up have my face punched twice and got slapped three times by the guards because their "king" told them to do and before you asked no i never might the evil bastard before😒. I hope my voice message worked so the pastas would know where to find me lets just say i broke my bracelet and my made a trail for then to come find me. I curled myself into a ball on the floor and cried my eyes out until i fall asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------- hey peeps i know this is a short chapter and i know i said i was going to make a chapter the other day but i have a lot of shit on my plate so it took me away from making this and I'm so fucking sorry that it took me a whole century to do that😭😭😭 but I'll try to make it longer on monday. Shall we get on with the question?

Will the pastas save y/n on time? Will y/n escape from him? Or do you this he will let her go. Find out more about My Bad Little Demon story until then see ya later my little devils 😈

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