My Little Bad Demon:College Party

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So you and ben got to the college party everybody was already dancing and drinking "hey Ben can you get me a drink please 😊" you smile "sure thing I'll be right back in five minutes with our drinks" ben walked away. Then some random guy came in grabs your ass "hey! pervert don't touch me i don't belong to you!" Then the guy licks his lips and rubs his hands "don't worry mama I'll be doing more then just that to keep you company." He smiles and then winks at you but you rolled your eyes then walked away to fine ben.

Ben pov
I was getting drinks for y/n and i then i saw a guy trying to approach y/n by grabbing her ass... That's not his ass he's shouldn't be touching that ass should be mine and mine only to look and touch I'll be dealing with later on tonight but first i want to hand y/n her so her and i can party all night and then after that I'll kill that pervert once the party is done and over with.

Y/n pov
I saw ben and i walked over to him to ask if he wants to dance with me so i get my mind off that pervert"hey ben do you want to dance with me?" Ben smiles "yeah sure but do you still want your drink?" He handed me my f/d (favorite drink) "thanks" i smiled at him then i grab his hand so we can dance on the dance floor. Later at night i saw the same random guy from earlier staring at me i began to feel unsafe.

Ben pov
Y/n and i started dancing then she whispers in my ear telling me there's a ranfom guy creeping her out so i asked her if she wants to go home I'm surprised that she agreed so we left the college party and head home "so y/n why is that guy creeping you out?" I asked because I was concern about her "i wanted to leave because some random guy kept checking me out and on top of that... he slapped me in the ass once i started dancing by myself while you were getting the drinks." I was getting pissed as hell when she told me about that guy slapping in the ass... that is supposed to be my job not his 😡

Y/n pov

I look at ben and he is mad like... extremely mad he got so mad thday the fact his eyes are starting to glow red "ben... you can go kill him later once you drop me off back home to the mansion ok?" He rolled his eye so I decided to kiss him on the cheek so he can forget it "hey no one is going to get me i promise😊"

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