My Bad Little Demon: Revenge

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Jeff took you to a restaurant that looked run down... wait that's not restaurant it's a hotel " Jeff i thought we're going to a restaurant for dinner." he doesn't know that i a trick up my sleeve for just using me and Ben was trying to look out for you. " oh sweet sweet y/n we're not going to a restaurant you and i are going to have a little fun for one hour" i knew it he was just a user but don't worry i got something for you to teach you a lesson to not toy with a girls heart. " but don't worry you'll enjoy it just as much as i enjoy viewing that hot body of yours *winks*" you cringes once he winked at you (creep) then you put your arms around his neck then smile Jeff put his hands around your waist out of nowhere you kicked him where the sun don't shine ( i didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable) Jeff fell to the ground grunting "do you really think i'll let you get under my pants that easily... since that's what your planning to do to me and yes I've heard you and Ben arguing i can't believe you would do something like to me! and Ben was right about you really are a womanizer for serial killer."

 you walked away from Jeff leaving him on the ground still in pain after that massive kick you gave him(way to go girl show who's the boss) when you got home everyone was looking at you"what?" they sigh as something is wrong "what's the matter guys? hey, where's Ben i gotta tell him something important" everybody was looking a bit sad they don't know how to explain it to you so eyeless jack started to do the talking "y

Ben is depress... he is depress that you went on a date with and every time he see's you he gets shy around you for example blushes then try to hide his face so no one see it all i'm trying to say is Ben likes you a lot and sorta turned him down now he's locked up in his room and won't come out." damn why having i see this coming i should have knew " i'm going up there to make sure he's ok and explain all this of what's going on between me and Jeff." you went up stairs to knock on Ben's door" * knock knock* Ben it's me y

can i come in please?" no answer i guess i'll just have to bust in then BOOM! you bust the door right open " jeez y/n you couldn't wait?" you looked at Ben and saw sadness in his eyes he was really holding back tears trying not to cry. "Ben i'm so so sorry really i am gosh feel so hopeless just thinking about makes me want to kick him again." Ben looked at you with a confusion " kick who again?" you walk toward Ben and hugged him "Jeff... i kicked Jeff where the sun don't shine bright he took me to a run down hotel which i thought he was going to take me out for dinner but i was wrong and i'm sorry for being such an airhead for not believing you." Ben hugs you back then smile "oh! one more thing ben." you pull back from the hug and Ben looks at you "hmm?" then you smile " i knew you had a crush on me you first saw me." Ben blushes like tomato *kisses his cheek* you smile" goodnight Ben" you walked out of Ben's room.

Ben pov: "if i haven't known any better i say i'm in love with her(i think cupid shot him in the ass... lol that was a terrible joke>-<)" Ben feels his cheeks then smiles you where in your room smiling to yourself change out of your clothes then went to bed.The next day when you got up from your bed you heard knock on your door"who is it?"went to open the door and saw it was ben with a smile on his face but this time it's not creepy (thank turkey). "good morning Ben" you sound excited to see him this morning especially after what happen last night "g-good morning y

" Ben blushed "m-may i w-walked you out t-t-the door." you find it funny when he trumble his words so you chuckled."hey Ben do you wanna hang out today this afternoon?" Ben nods his head fast but not too fast (he'll barf) "cool" you both went down stairs where everyone was waiting for both of you and Ben then they stare at you guys funny"WHAT?!?" the two of you said wondering what's going on until slenderman steps in " y

... what happen between you and jeff last night?" you told slenderman what happen last night "i should've known he would do this again but i'm glad you backed out and put him in his place." you smiled "it was only self defense i was using and plus he should know better for being a fuck boy (a.k.a player and also another word for a womanizer)i don't like it when someone plays with people emotions and there heart that's why people get hurt with there emotions easily especially if it's somebody they know in there pass." everybody looked shock at your response about Jeff and his actions then laughed "beside he'll be fine i kicked him where the sun don't shine bright (not trying to make anyone uncomfortable)" slenderman face palm himself "yep she's like Jeff alright but different then him kind of an odd ball ( jeez thanks for the complement -_-)."

Y\N pov:"so Ben where do you wanna hang out? like the movies? the mall? the petting zoo?( don't judge me... i was running out of ideas >_<)." Ben Hesitate a little bit but open his mouth " h-how about t-t-the arcade that sounds fun don't you think?" you smiled "yeah sure but i can't any promises if i win." Ben just smile like he smelled fresh roses or something "oh your on" you giggled " wanna bet short stuff?"then he raised his eyebrows "i see your still giving me nickname?" you shrug your shoulders "don't worry there's plenty more nicknames where that came from *winks* ."he clears his throat " welp time for breakfast shall we start eating?" man it's funny how he gets nervous around me. we hear footsteps coming from upstairs and it was Jeff's footsteps you gave him a death glare telling him to piss off Ben step in "dude i think it's best if you stay away from her i mean... us " he hugs you behind Jeff balled up his fist and growled then walked away from us. " so let's go to the arcade." you said with a smiled " well what are you standing there for let's go." when you guys got there the whole arcade is packed "how about the library or bowling? that sounds fun?" Ben groan ' but that those thing sounds borinngg." jeez he's not a very patient guy when it comes to hanging out "hmm how about we crash into a college party?" then i saw a creep smile on his face again "and no killing while we're there got?" the creepy smile he had in his face died down "awe i wanted to have a little fun with them while there."he made a poutty face "that's not working on me... sorry short stack." now he looked unamused  "before we go to the party how about we go home and change out of our clothes because we don't want people start to mix us up for little kids instead of an adults now do we?" he stop and thought for a second "yeah your right lets go."

when you guys got back home to change into a different outfit to crash into a college party you told Ben to meet you outside"remember no killing while we're there understood?" Ben nods his head yes"good now lets have some college fun and get drunk ."Ben laughed "you don't want to do that... slenderman will be pissed if i have to take home a drunk killer home(that would probably be the funniest shit ever taking home a drunk friend )and then last time we took Jeff to the bar he so drunk like literally he started to yelling at tree waking up the squirrels  SANDY COME DOWN FROM THE TREE BIKINI BOTTOM NEEDS YOU!!!" you and Ben starts laughing and one Jeff got so drunk he picked up a random cat and starts holding it like it was simba then starts singing the song from the movie.      

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