Chapter 4

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Alistair's POV

I could feel my heart racing in my chest as my father took his place on stage, and began his speech. My mother took my hand, giving it a reassuring pat. "Don't worry," she said, smiling up at me. "If you remember what I said, all will be well." I nodded, thinking about the promise.

Finally, my father stepped down, and I took the stage. Many girls moved closer, and I closed my eyes, waiting for the pulling my mate. Everyone held their breath until finally, I smelled the sweet scent of my mate.

Almost immediately, my wolf took over, steering us through the crowd. Many girls squealed when I hopped down, only to be surprised when I pushed passed them and headed away from the crowd. Many people shouted after me, but I refused to look back, only wanting to find the source of the wonderful scent.

I let my wolf have control, watching as we ran towards the pack house, and began to head up the stairs. The scent became stronger as I continued up the steps, and my pace quickened.

Finally, I found myself  in front of a single door, the sweet scent permeating the area. I took the knob, turning it slightly, only to find out that it was locked. Annoyed, I braced myself and knocked down the door.

Silence followed as I stared at the small figure in the bed. "A- Alistair?!" His eyes were full of surprise and fear. I could only stare at the boy, feeling absolutely betrayed. A male. My mate was a male. My wolf took no notice of my anger, and began to lick his lips in anticipation. Then, my wolf lunged forward, pinning Owen down the bed.

"No... Don't..." Owen squirmed slightly, and, realising what was happening, I immediately tried to take back control. No! Stop! I struggled to gain control, but my wolf leaned down, capturing Owen's lips in a kiss. His eyes went wide, a blush covering his face. My heart raced, sparks flying across my vision as I looked down at the boy beneath me.

Slowly, Owen began to relax into the kiss, his resistance dwindling. I pulled away, staring at his flushed skin, his eyes fearful and delighted. My wolf, still in control, leaned down, reaching a hand underneath Owen's shirt. "Don't worry," I whispered. "I'll be gentle. I promise." I nuzzled his chin, planting a kiss on his neck.

Disgusted, I attempted once more to take over, but my wolf refused to relinquish control. I could only watch in horror as my wolf mated with Owen.

Owen's POV

"Mate..." Alistair's eyes glowed golden with lust as he stared down at me. I lay on the bed, fear and desire making me unable to resist. "No... Don't..." I squirmed underneath him, hoping to get away from his grip. Instead, the hunger in his eyes increased, and he leaned down to kiss me.

My body went numb as his lips touched mine. Sparks exploded across my vision as I began to relax into the kiss, and even enjoy it. When Alistair pulled away, I was gasping for air, my face flushed a deep red. He smirked, licking his lips in anticipation. I trembled, his excited state causing my lower half to react. I gasped slightly when he leaned down again, his hand sliding up my shirt. "Don't worry," he whispered, his voice thick with lust. "I'll be gentle. I promise." He nuzzled my chin gently, planting a kiss on my neck.

I only nodded, not caring about anything at that moment. With that, Alistair made love to me over and over again. I forgot everything, and cared about nothing, except Alistair. My mate. It was a dream I never wanted to wake up from. But, before long, morning came. And I woke up from the dream, only to face the nightmare of reality.

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