Chapter 15

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Owen's POV

The rogues were more than happy to have me in their band of misfits, and even threw a party for the occasion. There was laughing and dancing and food and drinks (which I didn't partake in, for obvious reasons) and all sorts of activities.

Mainly, I sat in the center of it all, answering questions and having playful coversations with Felicity and the other females. Some talked of their own pregnancy, some worried over my seat, my food, even my outfit. In the end, after I had changed twice, the woman had me in a black long sleeve maternity shirt and some soft pants to wear. They then began to fuss over my hair.

"Feeling okay?" Rogue had come to join us, leaning over my chair with his serious expression. The women dispersed, and I was glad for Rogue's presence. I nodded, giving a small smile. "Yes, thank you." He looked at me silently, his eyes narrowing when he saw my mark. Unconsciously, I reached up and placed my hand over it. "Do you... Not like the mark?" Felicity turned to listen as Rogue spoke to me, pointing at my neck. I swallowed. "Well, technically, it was forced upon me, but even if I don't like it, there's nothing I can do."

"You can hide it," offered Felicity. "I have a collar you can wear. I keep it for the young ones; so they don't get marked early, or, in your case, forcibly."

I was silent, staring down at my hands. The mark was the one thing that connected me to Alistair. I shook my head. He's made it perfectly clear that he's only after me for my child. Setting my resolve, I nodded to Felicity. "Okay, I'll wear it."


It was a horrible feeling; covering the mark. It was like a part of me was forced into a closet, locked away and thrust into the darkness. Pain seared through the mark as the collar went around my neck. Felicity, sensing my unease, began to stop. "No! Please, continue." I swallowed the pain, allowing her to completely cover it with the collar.

Rogue leaned against the doorway, his lips curved into a soft smile. He almost seemed... Happy. A soft kick alerted me to my child's anger. I released a sigh. Not even my unborn child was happy about this. But, at this point, I had no choice. If I was going to live here happily, I needed to forget Alistair. Just like I had done before, right? Only, this time it was harder.

Even after rejection​, it's impossible to hate your mate. And spending time getting to know him made the need and desire worse.

Alistair's POV

A strange pain ran through me as we searched for the rogues. Immediately, my wolf began to howl and panic set in. What happened? Did they do something to Owen?! I growled, alerting the others to my discomfort. We had disbanded from the rest of the group, hoping to cover more ground separated. Only Kirk, my father, a few warriors, and I remained in the area near Owen's hiding spot.

A group stayed home in hopes of him returning before us, but no news had been heard.

His scent, though weak, led us across the territory to the edge of the forest. "There have been sightings and frequent rogue attacks here, think this is it?" Kirk grunted, ready to attack anyone who messed with the future Luna. He may not have been the nicest to Owen, but he knows when to play nice.

My fists clenched as I imagined the things he might be going through in there. Why had I said those things? They weren't true. I was just... Jealous. Jealous of the way he spoke to my father so easily. Jealous of how he laughed in front of others... Jealous of how much more he cared for our child than he did for me.

I silently gestured to my father and Kirk; I would enter first to scope out the area. Slowly, I neared the entrance, listening to the loud laughter and clattering of dishes. Some sort of... Party? Confusion ran through me, but I shook it off. Must be celebrating their capture of Owen.

I opened the door slightly, gasping as I looked in. Owen sat in the middle of several rogues, laughing and talking along with them. Pain seared my chest, and I inspected him from head to toe.

He had changed out of the dress, now wearing a long sleeve maternity shirt. But what shocked me most was the collar he wore around his neck. Though I couldn't see, I knew it covered his mark. That explains the pain from earlier; he refuses to acknowledge​ me as his mate by covering the mark. Of course my wolf would be in pain.

I clenched my fists, deciding to get answers from him. I stepped inside, making all the party-goers silence, all watching me. "Hello, Owen."

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