Chapter 17

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Alistair's POV

"No! I won't let you have him!" Anger surged up inside of me as I watched this newcomer put his hands all over my Owen. I marched over to him, attempting to take Owen back. He tightened his grip, causing Owen to wince. "Ow! Rogue, it hurts..."

I grit my teeth, my wolf growling in my head. "Let him go!!"

"No!" Rogue, as I figured his name to be, growled back, leaning into Owen's neck. "Why do you want him anyway?! From what I hear, you're only after this!" He pointed at Owen's large stomach, at our child. I bit back a rude remark, looking at the pain in Owen's eyes as Rogue said that.

Guilt built up inside of me. Of course he was hurt by my words. He wouldn't have run away if he hadn't been. I looked at the two together. They... Worked. They fit together, in this band of misfits, outcasts, and unwanted wolves who grouped together to make a family. Family...

No. Owen is my family. He's given me one. Or, he will be. And I don't want to give that away. Not to this Rogue guy, not to anyone. I stepped up, Rogue eyeing me carefully as I approached.

Then I did something I never thought I'd do. I kneeled. Owen gasped, watching as I got down on my knee, holding out my hand to him.

"Owen, I know I haven't been the best mate. I rejected you, I hurt you, I threw you away; I'm the lowest of the low. And you can hate me for that. You can never forgive me, and you can scorn me, if you want. But, please, don't leave me. It pains me to see you like this, and it makes me feel worse when I realize that I'm the reason you feel this way. I want to take back my mistake. I want to be your mate.

"I want to be the Alpha too, yes, but if it means I have to give you up, I'd gladly give away my Alpha title. As long as you're by my side -Luna or not- I couldn't be happier. And, I want you to be happy, too. But I want to be the one to make you smile. Not anyone else. Please, I love you."

The room was silent as my confession sunk in. Owen's face blushed a million shades of red, his eyes darting around the room. Rogue kept his possessive hold on Owen, and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

Owen's expression changed, and he leaned up, whispering back to the man. Rogue smiled sadly, but complied when Owen asked him to lean down. Owen gave him a smile, then, putting his hand on Rogue's chest, planted a kiss on his cheek. I said nothing, my hopes sinking until Owen walked over to me, taking my hand.

"Okay," he whispered. "I'll go with you." Everything seemed frozen in time as I stared at the small boy, until a grin overtook my face. I scooped him up, spinning him around in the air. Owen laughed, blushing when everyone broke into appluase.

My father approached, pulling Owen into a hug. "Now then, we better be going. I'd like to have my son-in-law home before he has the baby." Everyone chuckled, the rogues saying their goodbyes. "You'll come visit, won't you?" Owen asked, looking up at Rogue. He nodded, giving Owen a hug. "I'll bring Felicity, too." After another hug, the two broke apart.

"By the way," I asked as we walked away. "What did Rogue say to you? When he whispered in your ear?" Owen blushed, smiling at the ground. "Oh, nothing..." I pulled him into my arms. "Alistair? What-"

"I love you." Owen stopped talking, wrapping his arms around my neck and burying his face into my chest. "... Me, too... I love you."

Owen's POV

"You love him, right? I can tell. Go to him. Don't worry about me, I'll find my mate soon."

"Thank you, Rogue. For everything." It was a simple goodbye between us, and I could tell Rogue was heartbroken. I felt guilty, but thinking I could be taking him away from his mate made me feel worse.  Alistair held me close, not letting go even when we arrived home. Not that I could complain. Being in his arms, wrapped up in his scent, put me at ease.

The first thing he did, was force me to eat. Alistair watched like a hawk, not letting me go until all the food was gone. Afterwards, he put me in the bath, claiming it was to "wash the scent of dirt and rogues off of you," but I knew he was just jealous because I smelled of another man. Finally, he put me to bed, laying me in his lap and waiting as I fell into a comfortable slumber.

It was heartwarming and saddening at the same time. It was the first time I'd ever been treated so kindly, so warmly. Not even my own parents had done this. It made me feel the need to become a better parent than they had, to not let my child go through the same thing.

I leaned up, looking Alistair in the eye. "... Alistair?"

"Hmm?" He hummed, running his hands through my hair gently. "Do-" I hesitated. What would he say to my insecurities? Would he laugh them off? Would he be just as worried? Would- "Hey! You're thinking something unnecessary again, aren't you? Let me know what's wrong. I don't want you to hide it anymore."

I was surprised by his sudden change in attitude. I suppose he was too, from the way he blushed and refused to meet my gaze. It made me smile. Then, I turned serious. "Do... Do you think we'll make good parents? That we'll be able to raise a child?" Alistair blinked, then he pulled me up, rubbing my stomach. "Are you kidding? We'll make great parents!" He smiled, looking happier than I'd ever seen him. "Yeah... You're right."

Alistair was silent for a moment before grabbing my chin, pulling me head upwards. He brought his own head down, connecting out lips in a heated kiss. When he pulled away, he smirked at my expression, making me even more embarrassed. "Don't worry," he said huskily. "There's more to come. After you have the child, though. Our child. But before that..."

He reached over, rustling through his nightstand. Leaning back again, he handed me a "how to name your child" book. I burst out laughing, happy that Alistair had put some thought into how things were going to be when the baby came.

"I was thinking Alistair Jr., or maybe we could name him or her after you, but," he rambled off, not noticing when I buried myself into his chest, dozing off once more.

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