Chapter 8

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Alistair's POV

"You... Wanted to see me? Father?" I watched my father turn around, his face stoic. "Alistair, I need to talk to you about something of great importance; Your mate."

I gulped, my fears coming true. "Who is she? It's been four months since the celebration. Four months, Alistair. I want to hand you the pack without having to worry. And the only way that's going to happen, is if you have a mate and an heir. With that in mind, I can't let you be Alpha until you're mated."

"... What?" I stared at my father, his words sinking in. "I want to see that you have an heir with your mate before I hand over the pack. Have you met her yet?" The answer stopped in my throat, my mind searching for a different one.

"Yes... I've met her. In fact, she is already with child." My father seemed surprised at this. "So? Who is she?" I swallowed. "S-someone... You don't know her. She's..." I struggled through the sentence, searching for a name. I couldn't tell him that I rejected my mate because he was a male Omega. What would he think then? He wouldn't let me be the Alpha if I told him that.

My father waited, his eyebrows cocked suspiciously. "Well..." My father sighed. "Such a shy boy when it comes to your mate, huh?" I looked up, surprised when my father laughed. "Well, so long as you've met her, I suppose. But, I would like to meet her before the child is born. How about sometime next week?" I nodded quickly, not wanting to be questioned any further.

Leaving my father's office, I felt realization crash down on me. How was I supposed to find a pregnant, not mated woman to be my mate? Frustrated, I ran. All the way to the forest, away from everything.

I allowed my wolf to have control, hoping to do some hunting. But instead, he continued to run through the forest, circling around trees and sniffing the ground until I didn't know where we were. At that point, my wolf relinquished control, and I looked around, unsure of what was where.

Where are we?! I yelled at my wolf. Mate... I stopped, my wolf tugging at my mind, urging me to follow his lead, and take us to our mate. I scoffed, turning away from the path he lead me to. What mate? We don't have a mate. My wolf whimpered, his prideful nature disappearing as he becoming nothing more than a whining child. It surprised me, to see how eager he was for the mate we rejected.

I sat down, thinking of the small boy. "A- Alistair..." His flushed skin as I touched him, his soft voice calling my name. I felt warmth creeping up my neck, remembering his smell as he went into heat. "Who are you?" I jumped, a voice bringing me out of my thoughts.

Looking up, I was met with the figure of a girl. She waited for an answer, watching me with a piercing gaze. "I... I am..." I stopped, thinking of an answer. Should I tell her? What if she's a rogue? I glanced down. She seemed small enough for me to easily win over her, but I wouldn't want to risk it, in case she's not alone.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "Oh! Are you lost? Would you like to come with me? My pack always welcomed newcomers." Sighing, I nodded, and followed her through the forest.

I became lost in thought as we traveled, not noticing when she led me to the same path I turned away from, not noticing when I followed.

"Here we are!" The girl held out her hand, showing off the town as she led me into it. I looked around, inspecting every person that passed. Nothing suspicious. Yet.

"Over there is the pack house. You can stay there. I need to go check up on my friend." I nodded, not paying attention to her. Annoyed, she continued. "He's having a baby! Though the child's not due for another few months... Oh! My name's Sarah, by the way."

I listened to her, confused by what she said. "Don't you mean his mate is having a baby? Guys can't get pregnant." Sarah laughed. "Not unless they're Omegas. Didn't you know that? Well, they have to mate with an Alpha, first." I became more and more afraid as she talked. If... If that's true, then there's a possibility that Owen... I shook my head. No way. That's not possible. "C- can I come with you?"

Sarah looked up, then smiled. "Of course! I could use the help." Sarah walked with me, mindlessly talking about everything; her family, the pack... Finally, we arrived at the house.

Sarah stepped up, knocking twice on the door. There was a clattering inside before the door opened slightly, a small face appearing. "Sarah? Who's that?" The figure whispered quietly, their fingers trembling on the door. "Oh, this is my new friend. I met him in the forest. What's your name?" I smiled softly, trying not to frighten whoever was inside. "My name is Alistair. Pleased to meet y-" The door slammed shut almost immediately after I said my name, and silence fell inside the house.

Sarah looked dumbfounded, staring at the door with her eyes wide. Then, her eyes lit up, before darkening. "You... You're an Alpha, aren't you?" I nodded, and Sarah stretched out her arm, landing a blow right on my face. I stumbled back, my cheek stinging. "What was that for?!"
"You did this. You made him like this!! You took away his happiness!" Sarah had tears streaming down her face, her cheeks red with anger. "Go... Just GO!" I turned, running towards the pack house she pointed out earlier.

Finding a room, I sent a message to my father, telling him that I would stay here for the time being. I knew I would have to face him sooner or later, but for now, I wanted to find out just who was living in the other side of that door.

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