Chapter 1

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Owen's POV

I sat watching from inside my room as the people below me rushed around, setting up for the celebration. Excited chatter echoed up at me, even the lowest of voices barely above a yell. "Who do you think it'll be?"

"I don't know, but whoever it is, is really lucky. I mean, they'd have to be to be Alistair's mate!" Turning away from the window, I sighed in frustration. Why do I have to be locked away just because of some celebration? I'm part of this pack, shouldn't I be allowed to join in? No. Because I'm the Omega.

They never let me forget it, either. Constant beatings and insults, all under the blind eyes of the Alpha and Luna. Even now, being locked in my room because I'm "too clumsy" is another excuse to keep people from having to see my face and be reminded that their wonderful, perfect pack has a flaw.

As the crowd below the window dispersed - eager pack members finishing up here and beginning to set up elsewhere - the lock to the door clicked open, a figure standing in the doorway.

"Well, well, Omega. Since we've finished up over here, we've decided to let you out of your room for a while. Isn't that nice?" Kirk, the future Beta, sneered down at me, his dark eyes full of hate. He grabbed my arm, ripping me from the windowsill. "Mess up anything, and you're dead. Got it?" I nodded quickly, waiting for him to release me.

Kirk finally let me go, dropping me to the ground as pain seared through my arm. He laughed at my pain, turning to leave when I stood up. "Don't think this means mercy, not now, not ever. Omega." With that, he disappeared.

They must be busy, I thought. He didn't beat me before he left. But, I guess that's what he meant when he said this didn't mean mercy. It never did. Regardless, I was finally free from my imprisonment, and could find something to eat.

The hallway was empty when I peeked out of the doorway, exhaling the breath I'd been holding. Continuing down the hall, I made sure to avoid any pack members that came through. Though, most were elsewhere, setting up for the party. I almost felt happy that tomorrow was Alistair's birthday; with everyone so busy, I don't have to worry about being beaten.

Of course, that also means I'll be locked up the entire day tomorrow. Sighing, I walked aimlessly through the pack house until I found the kitchen. Pulling out a bit of bread, I nibbled on the crust as I headed back upstairs.

Flopping down on the bed, I stared up at the ceiling, my mind abuzz with thoughts. What would it be like to be the mate of the Alpha? To be treated with respect? I sighed, laughing at the thought. No one would dare accept an Omega like me as anything other than that; an Omega.

Besides, the Alpha deserves a beautiful, wise, loving woman to stand by his side as Luna. I don't even come close to being any of those things, let alone a woman. With that, I rolled over, falling asleep under the anticipation of tomorrow.

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