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Author's POV

In the days leading up to Owen's labor, Alistair was a constant mess. He was fretting over every discomfort of Owen's, minor or not, and had everyone else on edge as well.

Owen had not helped the mood. He was constantly upset about one thing or another, and would burst out - laughing, crying, angrily, or otherwise - about the smallest things.

Alistair's father, the ex-Alpha, had arranged for Felicity to come over and help with the birth. Sarah, too, had come to help. That helped somewhat with the mood, but not by much. Even Sarah and Felicity were no match for the pregnancy hormones.

"Come on, you're not fat," Alistair said, pleading. Owen crossed his arms. "You wouldn't have said it if it weren't true."

"Owen, I'm sorry. I was just a little moody, what with you being pregnant and al-"

"You? Moody?" Hearing Owen's tone, Alistair knew he messed up. "That's not what I-"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm the one who's pregnant and I was completely insensitive about how moody you are!!" Owen stomped off, locking the door to the guest room behind him. Alistair slumped down, listening to Owen's sobs behind the door. He hadn't meant to snap at Owen like that, but he knew it was uncalled for, accidental or not.

Felicity stormed into the room, having heard Owen's sobs from the living room. "What did you do to Owen?!" She demanded. Having helped with many births in her group of rogues, Felicity was used to the mood swings and had been a big help. However, she refused to get off of Alistair's case when it came to things regarding Owen. She had become an overbearing mother overnight.

"Well, I may or may not have told him he looked fat, then I may or may not have said it was because I was moody about him being pregnant, and he may or may not have gotten angry about that because he's actually the one who's pregnant." Felicity looked at Alistair like he was an idiot - and he was. "You what?!" She roared. "Telling a pregnant person they're fat is the worst thing you can do! And don't go blaming it on them, either. Or the fact that they're pregnant!! You idiot!!"

Alistair slumped down even more. "I know! I messed up, okay? I'll go talk to him."

"You better," Felicity mumbled.


Owen felt insulted. Teased. Humiliated. He locked himself in the guest room, hiding from his mate who had claimed he was 'fat.' Owen looked in the mirror, pulling up his his shirt. "I'm not fat... Am I? Bloated maybe, but fat?" He bit his lip, tugging his shirt back down. If his mate had said it, it must be true. Who was Alistair to lie?

Sobs shook his body once more. The hormones had increased as his prengancy progressed, and he hated everything minute of it. One second, he's laughing with the pack. The next, he's rampaging over nothing. The entire pack had begun to avoid him because of it, and it left him alone once more.

The memories of before he became Alistair's mate ran through his mind. It wouldn't become like that again, would it? Fear entered his mind. A knock startled him out of his thoughts.

"Owen? It's me, Alistair. Please, come out. I need to talk to you." Owen sighed. Getting up was a painful process, but he managed to do it and opened the door for Alistair. "What do you want?" He grumbled. Alistair winced, at the harsh tone or his looks Owen wasn't sure, and pulled him close.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you fat. What I meant to say was... Round."


"Yes, you know, big? With our child? I don't know! I wanted to say, I'm happy. To see you with our unborn child. To think about having a baby. It makes me smile." Owen calmed down, the scent of his mate making his bad mood disappear. "Yeah, me too."


It happened in the middle of the night. A piercing scream echoed through the Halls of the pack house. Everyone was awakened, immediately knowing what was happening; the baby was coming.

Alistair stomped through the halls, carrying a panting and screaming Owen in his arms. "It hurts, Alistair..." Alistair attempted to soothe him. "It's okay. Felicity and Sarah are waiting for us in the infirmary. Everything's gonna be okay."

They arorved at the infirmary quickly, and Alistair lay Owen on the table before being shoved from the room. Panic and anger rose in his throat as he was forced to wait in the waiting room just like everyone else. "It's customary. Give the Luna some space, you know?" His father put a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever it comes down to today, just know that I'm proud." Alistair nodded, feeling newly rejuvenated.

It was torture for Alistair; waiting. He sat listening as the screams and groans inside mixed together with the shouts from Felicity, Sarah, doctors, and nurses that had been running in and out of the room since the labor had started. He paced, he sat, he listened, and he growled.

Only through the encouragement of his pack and the threats of Kirk and his father did Alistair manage to wait for six whole hours in the tiny room. It was past morning when they heard the cries of the child.

Finally - finally - Felicity came out of the room, sweaty and exhausted. "Alistair," she spoke barely above a whisper. "Would you like to see him?" Him. The mere thought of his child, his baby boy, brought a huge grin to Alistair's face. Nodding excitedly, Alistair followed Felicity into the room.

The monitor beeped, following Owen's heartbeat as he lay weakly in the bed. Alistair could tell he was struggling to stay awake, his breathing calm and peaceful. Alistair let out a sigh of relief. They're both okay. That's when he noticed the small bundle in Owen's arms. Owen nodded to him, letting the nurse take the child and hand him to Alistair.

He was perfect. Small and cute and wonderful - just like Owen. "He looks like you." Breathed Alistair in wonder and amazement. A soft brown tuft of hair sat atop his head, the color of his closed eyes not yet determined. His small hest rose and fell taking in soft gentle breaths. "What do we name him?" Owen said quietly. Alistair was silent before he spoke. "Lyn... Little Alpha Lyn." Pulling Lyn close, Alistair gave him a soft kiss.

Turning, he looked at Owen who and fallen asleep with a smile on his face. "Thank you, Owen. I love you - both of you - so, so much."

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