Chapter 16

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Felicity's POV

"Hello, Owen." I didn't know who this man was but, judging by Owen's expression, he wasn't someone good. Owen had visibly paled, his small form trembling. His hand snaked up to his neck, touching the collar gently. Then, it hit me. This is his mate. The one who rejected him.

I glanced to Rogue who had realised it just as I had. He was livid, hands clenched as he snarled at the man. Alistair, if I remember correctly, stood against the doorway, calmly looking at Owen, his arms crossed. He was mad, I could tell. He does the same thing Rogue does when he's angry; plays it calm.

Two men joined him in the doorway. One looked almost exactly like him, maybe a little older. His father. The other stood behind the two as an act of respect. From the way he stood, I could tell that he, too, was of a higher status. The Beta, I decided.

Alistair held out his hand, Owen jumping back at the action. "Let's go home, Owen. Now," he added, staring at Rogue. Rogue wasn't having it. He stood in front of Owen protectively. "You. Will. Not. Take. Him. Anywhere." The two glared at each other, everyone else stepping back as the two Alphas fought.

I snuck behind them, tapping Owen gently. His head turned to me, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. I smiled gently. "Let's get you out of here." He gratefully took my hand, allowing me to pull him away from the scene.

I constantly looked back at Owen who had taken to rubbing his large stomach for comfort. "It's okay, it's okay..." He whispered again and again. To himself or the child, I wasn't sure, but I knew this helped him to calm down.

We took the secret tunnel that led to the outside. It was rarely used, and had been put in by the paranoid Rogue. I had always teased him about it, but today I was grateful for his fretting.

Once we were outside Owen took a deep breath. I smiled, relieved. "A secret tunnel, eh? How smart." Owen tensed up immediately​ and I turned around, blocking Owen from the newcomer.

The Beta had followed us, his wicked grin making my blood go cold. He seemed so sure he would be victorious. It annoyed me, that my opponent took me so lightly. "K-Kirk, why?" Owen whispered. Kirk scowled. "The Alpha wants his child. Though, I'm sure he won't mind if you're roughed up a bit," he glanced at me. "And I'm sure he won't mind any casualties. So long as they aren't his."

Seeing the way Owen began to sob at his words caused me to snap. I lunged, taking Kirk off guard, knocking him to the ground. I began to violently attack him, ripping apart his shirt as he struggled underneath me. "FELICITY!! NO!" Owen's shouts made me realize something. Kirk had yet to strike back. Then, something hard knocked against my skull, and I went slack, falling into darkness.

Owen's POV

I watched in horror as Felicity slumped down, Kirk shoving her to the ground. The warrior behind him handed him the stone and Kirk raised it over his head. I reacted quickly, shielding her with my body. "No! Don't do it!" Kirk scowled. "Get out of the way! I'm not supposed to hurt you but," he leaned in close. "I will to finish off your captors."

I swallowed, tears streaming down my face. "They've done no such thing. They took me in after I ran away. They've treated me better than you ever have." I spat out the words like poison, glaring at Kirk. Reluctantly, he lowered the stone, dropping it to the ground.

"You're lucky you're the Luna, you little-"

"You little, what?" Kirk stopped. Turning, I faced the Alpha. He looked at me, putting his fingers to his chin. "So you really are a boy..." I looked down, bracing myself for his anger. Instead, he directed it at Kirk. "And, just what do you think you're doing? You have no right to talk to my son-in-law like that."

My head shot up, watching Kirk bow to the Alpha. After which, Kirk stalked off, muttering to himself. The Alpha walked over to me and I held Felicity close.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her." I relaxed slightly, not letting my grip on Felicity slip. He kneeled down, reaching over and touching my stomach. "This... Really is my grandchild?" I nodded. The Alpha's eyes lit up with happiness.

"Please, stop Alistair." The Alpha nodded, giving me a smile. He disappeared for a moment, then finally returned with Rogue on his heels. I gave Felicity to Rogue, watching as he took her back inside. I followed behind them, waiting in the living room with Alistair, Kirk, The Alpha, and the rest of the rogues and warriors as Felicity was inspected.

Alistair was constantly looking at me, never letting his gaze waver. I, however, kept my attention on the infirmary door, not letting his stares get to me. What happened to Felicity is his fault. I'm not about to forgive him.

Finally, Rogue came into the room, closing the door softly behind him. I stood up, rushing to his side. Alistair growled lowly but I ignored him, wanting to know about Felicity. "How is she?" Rogue ran a hand through his hair. "... Slight concussion, otherwise she's okay. Just resting now. Should be up in a few hours." I let out the breath I'd been holding, relieved.

Rogue glanced around the room, glaring at Alistair. Alistair returned the gesture, niether backing down. Annoyed, I moved in front of them. "Stop fighting! You two are the reason Felicity got hurt!" The two looked down, ashamed. Alistair stood up, wrapping his arms around me and taking me by surprise. "What are you-?! Hey!!" I struggled to get free but Alistiar refused to let go, burying his face in my neck.

"...... Come back home, please." I began to answer when Rogue pulled me away from Alistair, holding me in his own arms. "No! I won't let you have him!"

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