Chapter 10

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Owen's POV

"I want... The child." His words registered in my mind and I immediately began to cower, shaking my head and pleading. "No, please, don't do this." Alistair shrugged, and I released a sob, the fear of losing my child more than I could handle.

"I'm sorry but, it has to be this way." I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face. "Why?" Alistair looked surprised, his eyes darting around, but never facing me.

I frowned, unsure of why he wanted the child of his rejected mate, but also unsure of why he refused to tell me the reason he wanted the child in the first place. He ran his hands through his hair before speaking again. "Not only do I want the child, but I want you to dress up and meet my father. Tomorrow we'll leave for the pack."

My head snapped up, suspicion running through me. "What do you mean 'dress up?'" He sighed. "You need to act as my female mate and meet my father." I gasped as I realized what was going on. "You don't want the child, do you? You just want your position!" Alistair winced slightly, confirming my accusations.

Anger coursed through me. There is no way I'm giving up my child just so he could keep his position in the pack. Alistair seemed to see what I was thinking, and leaned close. "It doesn't matter what you want. Just know that if you don't agree, I can't guarantee the safety of you or your child. But, if you do, I can at least say that the child will have a good upcoming." Without me in his life. I bit back the words as tears pricked my eyes.

Alistair, seeing that he'd obviously won the argument, smirked triumphantly. Stepping back, he spoke, explaining the plan. "I'll come back tomorrow to take you to the pack. After that you'll never have to go back. Also, I'll stay here until the birth. I'll be going back and forth, but you won't have to." I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I rubbed my stomach for comfort; a comfort I'll no longer have in a matter of months. Just that thought​ alone made me want to cry harder. I held back, though, not wanting Alistair to see my fear.

Once Alistair left, I clutched my stomach as the tears I held back flowed down my cheeks. Whimpers echoed through the room as I sniffled, my heart clenching in pain as I thought about losing my child. Why? Why now, of all times, did he have to come back into my life? Why did he have to ruin it even more than he had the day that he rejected me? Because I'm an Omega. And he's an Alpha. And no matter how hard I try, I'll never be more than a disgrace to him. Even if I try and try, until there's nothing left, he'll discard me. Leaving me alone and broken.

Alistair's POV

I groaned at the pounding pain in my head, listening to Owen's sobs as I stood outside. My wolf, who had ignored me for the past few months, suddenly decided to be a dictionary, yelling and cursing at me in many different ways. Why would you do this? He's your mate!! My wolf growled. Not any more, I growled back. At this, my wolf whimpered, hiding back in his shell, finally giving me a break from his relentless lecturing.

The sobs inside seemed to have died down, Owen finally deciding it wasn't worth it anymore. It was just a child. I didn't understand what he was so upset about. He's an Omega, couldn't he just have another one? Of course, my wolf did not agree with me in this. Though, I did have to admit; imagining Owen with someone else did not exactly sit right with me. It ticked a nerve, and once more I found myself wondering, why?

Why did I find him again? Why do I feel so angry at the thought of him being with someone else? I shook my head, clenching my hands. If I ever found anyone else with Owen, I'd rip them to shreds. My wolf nodded in agreement, making me freeze. I groaned slightly, annoyance lacing my tone. I need to get it together. There was no way I would have any sort of agreement with my wolf on this.

Leaving the pack house, I began to wander around, inspecting the town I would be staying in for the next few months. It was homely, many people roaming around, in wolf and human form. The Alpha and Luna were regarded highly, the folks of the town speaking proudly of their brave decisions.

I could see why Owen liked it here. It was a friendly environment, perfect for raising a family. I closed my eyes, picturing Owen and I together with our unborn child. Together. Happy. A family. Sighing contently, I listened to my wolf purr. "What are you doing?" A voice behind me snapped. I whirled around, facing an angry looking Sarah as she stared me down murderously.

I stopped. What was I doing? Imagining the impossible? Dreaming of an unachievable fantasy? Besides, why would I want a family with... Him. He had been nothing but a fling and a blackmark on my perfect life. I was not going to let this get to me. "Nothing. I was doing nothing at all." Sarah seemed suspicious, but said nothing. "Listen, I know about you and Owen. I just want to say one thing; hurt him and I'll rip you limb from limb and crush you into the worthless dust you happen to be."

I stepped back, smiling politely."Don't worry, I won't do anything to Owen." After all, once I have the child, I'll have no need for him, and I can finally get rid of these feelings.

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