Chapter 12

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Alistair's POV

"Your mate is absolutely adorable! And so cute, too." My father rambled on, adding to my foul mood as I listened to him. "Yeah, she's great." Sensing my sarcasm, my father looked at me. "Alistair, is there something wrong? Did you get into a fight with Owina?"

"You could say that." My father smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry, your mother and I used to fight all the time when she was pregnant with you. Just the hormones. It'll get better." Will it? Will it really? I didn't think so. Right after the tour with my father, Owen began avoiding me. Refusing to touch or even look at me. It set my wolf in a poor mood, and began to affect me as well.

What did not help, was how close he was getting with my father. I sat watching them over dinner one night, Owen laughing while my dad told a story. "More water, Owina?" Owen nodded. "Yes please, Wyatt." Why were they on a first name basis?! Well, as close as they could get with Owen's alias.

Owen didn't even call me by my first name. Actually, now that I think about it, he hardly called for me at all. I was the one initiating all of our conversations. Even those were times were little to none.

I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well, I'm going to head to a meeting with another pack now, say hi to Owina for me." My father finally left, his stupid grin never leaving his face. Was he really that excited to have a grandchild?

Then again, it would be nice to have a child. To hold and teach, and create a family with... "Um... Alistair?" I jumped, looking at Owen who was struggling as he waddled down the stairs. I would have laughed, had he not been pregnant, and had it not been my child. I rushed over, allowing him to grip my arms, ignoring the searing pain.

I helped him down the stairs, slowly and painfully until he was sitting down in the kitchen. "Yeesh, nedt time you shouldn't use the stairs." I meant it to be a concerned statement, but Owen took it the wrong way. "It's not my fault I'm pregnant." He muttered. "Or that my room's in the attic..." I felt a twinge of guilt at this. No, it wasn't his fault. It was mine.

But I wouldn't say that. Not out loud. So instead I said, "Get over it. I'm the one who's suffering here. I've had to listen to my father fawn over my stupid ugly mate, who isn't even worth his time or care! You're only here because you happen to be coveniently pregnant, and easy to control!"

As soon as I said those words, I regretted them. Owen's eyes flashed with hurt, and he stood up, nearly tripping over at the action. I attempted to help, only to be awarded  with a slap. "Don't touch me. You jerk!!" Before I could do anything, he ran. As far away as he could. Not looking back.

Time seemed to slow as I watched my mate disappear into the woods. All I could do was shout, and plead while he ran. "OWEN!!"

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