Chapter 6

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Alistair's POV

Warmth. That's what I felt as I lay in the darkness. A gentle warmth that surrounded me, soothing my nerves. It was a wonderful feeling, and I loved the sweet scent that invaded my nostrils. I didn't dare move, not wanting the tenderness and heat to go away. But, as I lay motionless, the source of the heat disappeared, and it became cold.

My eyes fluttered open and I sit up slowly. A bedroom... Turning, I stared at the small form standing by the bed. I racked my brain, trying to think of his name. Owen. The Omega. He looked just as surprised as I felt, only he looked happy as well. "You're..." I yawned,  inhaling a sweet scent.

Mate... My wolf purred, and I felt terror invade my mind. "You're my mate?" Owen looked down, nodding. I stopped for a moment, watching his shaking form, before glaring down at him. He continued looking down for a moment, before he realized that whatever he was waiting for wouldn't come. Looking back up, I could see the confusion in his eyes. "What-" He began to speak, but I cut him off. "-sting..."


"You're disgusting." His eyes widened in pain and confusion, and my wolf whimpered, hating to see his mate in pain. I kept glaring. "But... Last night..."

"Please, that was just my wolf talking. I would never accept an Omega as a mate. Let alone a guy." I stood up, moving towards him. He looked painicked, and hesitated for only a moment before running.

I scowled. Who does he think he is, to run from me? I immediately stood up, dressing quickly before taking off after him. I will not have him running around so long as he was still my mate. I had to reject him before word got out. I shouted after him, attracting the attention of other pack members. Before understanding anything, they leaped into action, chasing after Owen. Kirk followed close behind me, glancing my way occasionally, but never saying anything. I followed Owen into the woods, my feet barely hitting the ground.

Finally, I watched him trip, falling to the ground and giving me a chance to catch to him, and end this.

I stood before my mate, his broken form shaking, his eyes wide and pleading. I began to lose my nerve, then finally, I started, "I, Alistair Wolfe-"

"No! Please! Don't do this!" He began to beg, and Kirk stepped forward. "Shut your trap, mutt." He gave him a hard kick, and my mate went still, barely breathing. Kirk turned to me, giving a nod before stepping back. Once more, I start. "I, Alistair Wolfe, hereby reject you, Owen Lykos, as my mate." As soon as the words left my mouth, pain shot through my chest.

I winced loudly, grabbing my chest. Though I was in pain, I could tell the words affected Owen much more. He screamed, his body convulsing in pain, his breathing ragged. It would've torn me apart to see my mate like this, but he was no longer mine. Instead, I waited until he stilled, and turned away, beckoning to my men.

I glanced back slightly, watching the small gasps of breath escape his chest. I memorized the sight of him, engraving it in my memory, because I knew it would be the last time I saw him. I began to walk away, my men following behind me. "Goodbye, Owen." I didn't turn to see him, and instead left his small form alone, looking back only once after a few moments, to see that he was already gone.

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