Chapter 11

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Owen's POV

I trotted slowly through the forest, falling behind Alistair who decided to run ahead. "Ugh. Could you get any slower?" He complained. "Hey! You try being pregnant!" I snapped back. This seemed to shut him up, and we continued in in silence.

Today was the day I finally go back to the pack, back to my nightmare. It was funny, really. Going back to a nightmare to escape a nightmare. Of course, nothing could save me from losing my child. Not even a nightmare.

All too soon, we arrived. The pack had not changed much, but it was only for a few months that I'd been gone. Alistair stopped before we entered, inspecting me from head to toe. "Shift back, I have something for you." Sighing, I did as I was told, stretching out my aching back.

"Here." He handed me a bundle of clothes, which, as I unfurled them, turned it to be a dress. I stared at it blankly, but Alistair continued. "Your hair is long enough, and with the dress, pregnant stomach, and feminine shape you should pass as a female." He looked almost relieved, then turned away, allowing me to change.

I slipped the dress on, the soft fabric covering my stomach. I was surprised it fit. I didn't think Alistair would go out of his way to get a maternity dress. Then again, he would do anything to keep his position.

I stepped out once I'd changed, watching Alistair's eyes widen. For a moment, I almost saw him turn red, but I brushed it off. "What now?" Alistair coughed, turning to enter the pack.

One thing I noticed as we walked, was how Alistair was acting. He glared at anyone who looked at me, blocking my stomach with his body. Altogether it seemed very overprotective of him. But, I suppose it made sense. He was about to be a father. He had to learn to take care of the child he planned to forcibly take from me.

When we arrived at the pack house, Alistair pulled open one of the double doors, smirking at me. Annoyed, I reached out, opening the other and entering. I could hear a grunt of annoyance from Alistair, and I smiled. Two could play at this game.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my lower back. "I'm your mate, remember? Sit back and let me take care of you. We need to put on a believable act in order to convince my father." His words caused a pain in my chest, my heart aching as he guided me to his father's office.

Alistair knocked softly on the door, then stood back by my side, once more putting his hand on my lower back. "Enter." We stepped through the door, facing the tall backed chair.

The Alpha turned, a large smile appearing on his face when he saw me. "You must be Alistair's mate! Nice to meet you. I'm his father, the Alpha of the pack. Please, call me Wyatt." I frowned, but quickly covered it up with a smile. The minute he saw me he felt the need to state his title. Must run in the family.

Wyatt stood, walking over to me and pulled me into what was as close to a hug as he could get. When he stepped back, he placed a hand on my stomach, causing me to jump. Alistair growled slightly, and Wyatt pulled back. "My apologies, I didn't know you were not used to having your stomach touched. With you being the future Luna, I assumed you wouldn't mind." I blushed, shaking my head. "I'm sorry... I'm not used to having any contact with anyone at all."

Wyatt nodded understandingly, and instead decided to take my hand. He took me out of the office and began showing me around the pack house. What he didn't know as he explained each and every aspect of the house, was that I'm the one who knows it the best, considering I'd had to clean every inch of it.

Alistair grumbled behind us, his fowl mood making everyone keep away. Finally, we reached the end of the tour. "I hope you will enjoy your stay in our pack, miss er... What's your name?" I froze. What was I supposed to say? Panicking, I looked to Alistair, who seemed perfectly calm. "Owina. Her name is Owina." I mentally slapped him for coming up with such a stupid name, but his father seemed pleased. "Well then. Enjoy your stay, miss Owina."

Alistair sighed as his father walked away. "I thought he'd never leave." I laughed, enjoying the sight of the disheveled Alpha - to - be. He glared down at me, making me flinch. Grabbing my wrist, he yanked me up the familiar stairs, leading me to the familiar door in the attic. Pushing me away, he spoke. "Enjoy your stay, miss Owina." He said mockingly. Then I found myself alone in front of the door, anger and pain flooding through me.

I had to remember why I was here. He doesn't love me. He doesn't want me. I'm just a convenienve that will get him what he wants. That seemed to set my determination, and I opened the door, stepping into the room.

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