Chapter 7

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Owen's POV
~Four months later~

I hobbled down the hall, the pain in my abdomen restricting my movements as I made my way to the bathroom.

Throwing up for the third time, I sat back against the wall, holding the cold towel against my neck. My throat burned as I rubbed my stomach, smiling weakly at the small growing bump. "You really won't let me rest, will you." I chuckled, closing my eyes with a sigh.

One month after running away from my pack, I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't hard to figure out who's child or why, but I immediately decided I wouldn't tell him. There's no way I was letting Alistair anywhere near my child.

With that decision in mind, I found a small pack to join, on who didn't hate Omegas, and began living peacefully. Here, people actually welcomed me and enjoyed my company. Mainly, my friends were the females of the pack. They were just as excited as I was about the baby, and many of them had had experience with birth before.

A knock from the door startled me out of my thoughts. Getting up from the floor, I waddled to the door. Sarah waited in the doorway, her face bright. I smiled and invited her in, letting her help me to the living room.

Sarah millings was a cheery, fun loving fifteen year old girl who lived in the pack. She had been the one to find me on the forest and welcome me to the pack. She was also the one who was helping me through the process of pregnancy, having helped her mother as well.

"Any morning sickness today?" I nodded, resting my hands around my stomach. "Well, it's not as bad today, but..." Sarah nodded understandingly. We sat in silence for a moment, then she began her daily questions. "How old are you? Who's the father? You're an Omega, so it would have to be an Alpha. From which pack?" I laughed slightly, taking a breath before answering.

"I turned eighteen a few months ago. The father is an Alpha, but I won't say who. I don't want him to find me, and I don't want to see him, either." Sarah looked confused for a moment, but as she studied me, realization dawned on her face. "I'm so sorry." I shrugged, smiling at her. "It's okay. I'm fine now." Getting up, I walked to the kitchen. "Would you like anythinfmg? She shook her head.

"I need to get going. School's out in a few minutes so I'm going to pick up Asher." Saying goodbye to Sarah, I watched as she left, closing the door and leaving me in silence. Checking the clock, I decided to head to the store, hoping to get something to eat along the way.

Who's the Father? I sighed. It had been four months since I'd seen Alistair. By now he was already married and ruling over the pack with his Luna. I grit my teeth, the thought of Alistair upsetting me more than I'd have liked. Whereever he was, whatever he was doing, it's not like it affected me in any way, so why should I care what he does?

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